

Brock Bakke enjoyed our "Ask Eno!" feature and did something constructive with the results. It's an audio MP3 file, quite large at 925KB, but worth the download time. Download Fishy.mp3.
You'll need an MP3 player too; the latest version of the Windows 95 ActiveMovie Control will play MP3s (Start, Programs, Accessories, Multimedia) -- otherwise the Hyperreal Tool Shed may be able to help.


Roberto Finelli sent us this MIDI, composed while he was recovering from a broken leg.

eno theme

David Brighton created this Windows 95/98 Plus! theme (.zip file). It includes sounds, icons, starting and finishing/ready to shut down screens and a desktop. Please, only try to install this if you know for sure your system set-up will support it. The EnoWeb is not responsible for what you choose to do to your PC.

Other creative Eno-related contributions are always welcome...

Back to Ask Eno! or Eno's Squelchy Life.
