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"The Dark Side of the Moog X"
(Pete Namlook & Klaus Schulze)

Finally, here comes the jubilee production of Klaus and Pete. It combines futuristic sounds- capes with piano, voice, live drumming and up-to-date/vintage electronica. Some sounds never heard before as well as the brilliant sequencing, string and Moog solo-elements of Klaus that made him famous are part of the music.

Like being lost on a drifting spaceship .. recording his voice to a log, Pete starts the CD with atext that will leave no listener untouched. Followed by the musical interpretation of this text the music evolves from dark soundtrack/avantgarde to chill-out and space music. The ending of the CD is being marked by a monumental finish with a Moog-Solo that Klaus and Pete combined their forces for.

This outstanding recording is the final of łThe Dark Side of the Moog˛ series.

CD tracks: Astro Know Me Domina Part I-VI 50.20 min

Modern Space Music Epic