Recorded Live .. for the first time Klaus and Peter joined forces to perform in front of an enthusiastic crowd on the 23.Jazz (!) Festival Hamburg. The musical variety is immense on this album. From slow and mellow to fast and haunting... always a surprise around the corner ... the best of what you expect from their eighth collaboration: Klaus Space-chords, typical 70ies sequences from his big modular system, huge atmospheres as well as Peter playing the Trautonium (Live for the first time (!)), Rhythms between Electro, Jazz and Jungle.
The music on this CD is quite a trip, the frenetic applause even in the set (you can hear this ringmodulated through the EMS VCS3 of Pete Namlook).
CD tracks: Careful with the AKS, Peter (Part I-VIII) 76.56 min
View some pictures from the live show!
Quite a Trip at the 23.Jazz Festival Hamburg