FAX +49-69/450464

Fires of Ork 2
(Pete Namlook & Geir Jenssen)

A follow-up album that a lot of Ambient music lovers waited for since 7 years. The first Fires of Ork release (PW 07) is meanwile at a rate of up to 150 USD per copy as collectors search the whole internet to find a copy. And again... Geir Jenssen better known as "Biosphere" and Pete Namlook created 5 tracks of timeless quality on their new album. The music takes you from high in the sky, to deep in the forest (When the Night was Black), to electronic impressionistic -Sky Lounge-, to minimalistic Ambient -A Way to Focus Your Mind- and to the dark electronic beats of -Nouvelle machines-. It is a kaleidoscope of the music that we love since the start of FAX and yet it shows new ways in this musical field.

CD tracks:
1 In Heaven 9.51
2 When the Night Was Black 10.05
3 Sky Lounge 9.42
4 A Way to Focus the Mind 11.21
5 Nouvelles machines 12.21

A k a l e i d o s c o p e o f I n n o v a t i v e A m b i e n t m u s i c