The Summer of the 5th FAX anniversary brought *some* changes. The Klanglabor Studio moved to a new place at the countryside where the EMC (school department) and a place for Live performances in a huge wine celler of the mid 13th century will be as well. The idea for this change came to Pete while composing "Subharmonic Invocation of the Dark Spirits" for Divination IV - compilation of Bill Laswell's. This track he played live at this dark and inspiring cellary. You can hear what kind of "darkish" sound colour this room gives back to you on the vocal parts it seems as if some ghost replies ... all the other reverb and *low end* subharmonics have been amplified by this cellary as well. While moving to this place in July 1997, Peter played at Lovefield II - festival in the northeast of Germany right into the sundown. The different segments of this performance are marked with different tracks on this CD. "Britains Most Easterly Point" had been recorded live in the beginning of the hot month of August at the seaside of Lowestoft in England during Petešs summer holiday. It shows a new facette in the FAX creation of Electronic Fusion Music while mixing Jazz, Jungle and Electronic Music.
CD tracks: Britains Most Easterly Point 5.06
Live at Lovefield Festival Part I-XI 48.11
Subharmonic Invocation of the Dark Spirits 12.52
The Best of 1997 Live Recordings...