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Move D - P Namlook - The Retro Rocket
(Pete Namlook & David Moufang)

The third session of Pete and David in Heidelberg. Most innovative and advanced recording of their collaborations until today. Rhythmic, funky and with a high impact of electronics that have their backround in the 30ies through 50ies of our century. The beautiful and non-earthly sounds and melodies that Namlook creates with his rebuild and advanced version of a Trautonium in connection with Ringmodulation and Filterfeedbacks paired with the Rocket-Rhythms, Micro Modular sounds and beautiful chords of Move D.

This recording makes you cry and dance and laugh and love.. it is full of deep emotions.

CD Tracks:
1Remember the Days18.35
3Für Friedrich, Oskar & Paul8.33
4Nite Out11.27
5Time to Go1.16

Pete Namlook wants to thank Dr.Ing. Friedrich Trauwein, Oskar Sala and Paul Hindemith for their innovation that was never equalled.. the TRAUTONIUM.

Melancholy and Energy - Historic Instruments go ROCKET.