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Virtual Vices III
(Pete Namlook & Wolfram Spyra)

A Year has passed and Pete collaborates with Wolfram Spyra to record an album that is as advanced as it is "retro 70ies" connected with Krautrock, Techno-Jazz and Chill-Out music. There is spheric Ambience (Event Horizon) with a high impact of the outstanding "Steel- Cello" instrument-sounds. Darkish "Techno-Chill" (Taurus). As well as Electronic Beats and the 70ies Synth sound of the Prophet 5 meet the beautiful Soprano Voice of Jenny Gibbert (Oscillation 3). Jazzy-Techno-House (What about God) and a very classic yet modern Space-Krautrock piece "Last Dance on Luna". Once again, classic stlyes merge to bring you a special listening experience.

CD tracks:
1 What About God 7.11
2 Taurus 13.53
3 Oscillation 3 9.51
4 Event Horizon 13.51
5 Last Dance on Luna 10.57

From Advanced Electronic Chill-Out and jazzy Techno-House to Retro 70ies Krautrock