FAX +49-69/450464

Virtual Vices IV
(Pete Namlook & Wolfram Spyra)

This albums takes you on a journey through krautrock of the past right through to the digital age of today by way of old and new instruments with old and new techniques in production, composition and sound.

The result is the perfect combination of techno-jazz with deep chill out remeniscent of Namlook's world before FAX including some inspired guitar melody work on 'We Don't Mind the Rain'.

Virtual Vices IV is truly the peak of this series so far with Wolfram and Pete merging seamlessly to create this album.

CD tracks:
1 Femto 11.50
2 Sat Mute 11.26
3 We Don't Mind the Rain 11.04
4 Sons and Daughters 11.22
5 Philomela Nocturne 17.10

Really the peak of this series so far