ENews 1998
Page updated 13th December with John Cale documentary, Virgin site & other stories; 16th October with Alternative Miss World & French CD; 1st November with Paris visit, publication of the French version of Brian's Diary and We Love You; 12th October with Velvet Goldmine, PSB and revisions to BOAC/KAH stories; 1st October with London Bang On A Can concert, KAH rebroadcast, MAKYO's 2/1 and Whistler; 10th September with report on Sushi & Pond Way UK; 3rd September with KAH photo links; 25th August with James & updated Bonn; 19th with news of live broadcasts of Bonn installation; 29th July with Bonn installation; 22nd July with Nile and Roxy site; 12th July with Baaba Maal; 21st May with birthday interviews; several times prior to that; stories from 11th January include the Pavarotti Music Centre and Lightness CD available by mail order.
Touch of Velvet -- Brian contributes to a UK television documentary on John Cale, broadcast on Friday 18th December, BBC 2, at 23:30 (just after Stella Street).
Mega -- The Virgin Megaweb in France now has extensive coverage of Brian's visit to Paris in November, including a transcript of the question-and-answer session and 36 oblique strategies. En Français, of course. There are also RealAudio extracts from 5 of the 6 pieces on the special CD. (Thanks to Ariel Kyrou for this information).
Answering questions from shoppers, Brian revealed that he had been keeping a long and extremely personal diary this year until someone stole it from him in August -- not that he would ever have published it in any case.
Marc-ed man -- Booth-Clibborn Editions now includes the We Love You book on its site. Eno fans will be excited to hear that the track contributed by Brian is an extended version of "Coasters" from The Drop, with added words and noises by Marc Quinn. It goes by the name of "Sensual Zero Gravity". A conversation between Brian and Marc appears in the Marc Quinn coffee-table book Incarnate: Marc Quinn, too. Your local bank may be able to help you with finance for purchasing such tomes.
We can buy 'Heroes' -- Paul Kinder's Bowiewonderworld site (recently praised by top rock star David Bowie in his Secret Diary) has a feature on The Heroes Project, which aims to "influence Social Attitude". All the proceeds raised from the sale of a special cover version of 'Heroes' will contribute to the staging of events to encourage the social integration of disabled people into mainstream society. More information at the site.
Picture this -- The EnoWeb has some new pictures in its gallery, courtesy of Bommel and Olaf Saddeler. See Brian at the KAH in 1998 or Berlin in 1996.
Null and Void -- Brian will again be a judge at Andrew Logan's Alternative Miss World contest, which takes place in London's 291 Gallery (Hackney) on Saturday 12th December. The theme for the costumes this year is "The Void". For the first time there's an Alternative Miss World web site, which documents the weeks leading up to the event (worth it to hear Andrew Logan's drawling answerphone message, the EnoWeb reckons). Site visitors can even take part in the contest by sending their pictures by email! Tickets for the award ceremony cost £25 and £50 and are available from World, 27 Litchfield Street, London WC2 tel: 0171 379 5588 or by post from The Glasshouse, Melior Place, London SE1 3QP (cheques payable to the Alternative Miss World).
Slipped disque -- The French edition of Brian's 1995 diary (see story below) includes a 30-minute, 6-track CD of previously unreleased pieces which Brian worked on during 1995. There are no plans to make this CD available separately from the French edition of the book. So far, the EnoWeb has tracked down one web source for the book, FNAC (thanks to Richard Joly for the suggestion), but the description doesn't mention the CD. Jean-Jacques Massé has e-mailed us to say that they do. Try Altavista Translations if you get stuck. You could also pop over to your local book store and ask if they can order ISBN 2-84261-092-X for you.
Paris match -- The French edition of Brian's 1995 diary (Une Année aux Appendices Gonflés) was published by Serpent à Plumes in the first week of November, and he popped across the Channel to Paris for the launch. On Thursday 5 November he appeared on the Canal+ television programme Nulle Part Ailleurs (around 19:00 - 19:30). Later that same evening (21:00) he was 'in conversation' at the Virgin Megastore on the Champs Elysees; this was followed by a Question and Answer session.
Dunno much about Art -- We Love You, a new combination of compact disc and book, has been published by Booth-Clibborn Editions. It doesn't appear to be on their web-site yet. Apparently it includes collaborations from artists and musicians including one Brian Eno. The Guardian reckons it's "an incoherent volume, which nonetheless forces reader and listener to think about what's going on in contemporary British art." More information at The Guardian. Thanks to Richard Joly for this story.
Gold fingered -- Todd Haynes' film Velvet Goldmine, which features old 70's standards by Brian Eno and Roxy Music, amongst others, is due to be released in the UK on 23rd October. The soundtrack album is already out and features the LP version of "Needles in the Camel's Eye" plus a cover of "Baby's On Fire". Music from the original motion picture Velvet Goldmine is on the London Records USA label, 556-035-2.
Pet subject -- Parlophone is gearing up its Pet Shop Boys web-site, which apparently will feature an interview with Brian. This currently begins with the frankly unbelievable line "Brian Eno doesn't know what to say." (Thanks to David McCallum for this one)
In The Air -- On Saturday 3rd October Bang On A Can performed Music For Airports at London's Royal Festival Hall, as the final event in the LaBradford Festival of Drifting. Brian Eno was spotted smiling and sitting in a box. No, not a cardboard box, one of those theatre / concert-hall things that separate the celebs from the plebs.
KAH what a scorcher -- The KAH in Bonn now has its recordings of the Sushi! Roti! Reibekuchen! concert and Michael Engelbrecht's interview available for viewing at any time on this page.Versions for 28.8 modems and ISDN were due to appear sometime in October. Strangely enough the EnoWeb's Newsbot was able to view the concert this time around using a 28.8 modem -- possibly due to the installation of Microsoft®'s Dial-Up Networking Upgrade V1.3. As the concert broadcast is a recording of the event, not just the music, the EnoWeb has prepared this handy guide to the highlights (all timings are approximate): 1 second in, lots of people chatting and eating; 2.5 minutes in, there's a brief extract from the Bonn installation; lots more people chatting, eating and cooking; 32 minutes in, a repeat of the installation extract; 41 minutes in, Brian is sighted; 48 minutes in, the instruments are checked; 54 minutes in, the music starts with an ambient drone; 1 hour 2 minutes in, it gets a bit livelier; shortly after 2 hours, musicians pack up for a break but the music continues; 2 hours 20 minutes in, there are interviews with Brian and Holger Czukay (the latter affording a terrific opportunity for you to brush up your German); 2 hours 35 minutes in, the broadcast ends.
Any airport in a storm -- Have you noticed how airports seem to be springing up all over the place? A few months back it was Bang On A Can, and now MAKYO has released a cover version of 2/1. The track appears on a double compilation CD called Minimalism: More Or Less on the Law & Auder label (LA5CD). MAKYO's 2/1 has an edgy end-of-day atmosphere, quite different from Eno's original. One for the red-eye flights, perhaps.
Gio, who records with Keiko under the name MAKYO, told the EnoWeb:
"To create the track, we analysed (roughly) the length and number of loops Eno was running on the track. Keiko provided the vocals for the loops, and we did a fairly faithful recreation of the original, but with a few twists. MAKYO tends toward Eastern influences, so we added a bit of tamboura at one point, and we also took one or two liberties with the vocal loops.
In true Eno tradition, we let the system of loops run and recorded an hour or so of the results, and 9 minutes of it can be heard on the compilation. It was our first experiment in strictly generative music, and a valuable one. We have no illusions of being able to do a version 'better' than the original, which is a masterpiece, but we hope to have injected a bit of our own personality into this hommage."
The two CDs contain 153 minutes of music, not minimalism in its conventional sense, but -- to quote from the publicity material -- "showcasing the new breed of stripped down, low frequency, experimental Techno and Electronica, absorbing deep organic and broody entrancing beats and soundscapes with sonic brute simplicity". Other musicians on the compilation include Luke Vibert, Jimpster and :Zoviet*France:. Law & Auder Records has a homepage here, and its discs are distributed by 3MV/Sony in the UK, Unitone in the USA and NTT/Indigo in GAS, which is an abbreviation I haven't come across before.
Obscure Eno-related link -- James "Jameos" Topham, one-time Office Manager at Opal and reader/re-reader of Brian's Diary, is now a member of the group Whistler, who have set their sights on the top slot in the Hit Parade. If you pop over to the Wiiija label site, you can hear a RealAudio track of one of their songs. Listen out for him playing the mandolin.
Music For Eye-witness -- The EnoWeb has received the following report from Ulrich "Bommel" Bomnüter, who was lucky enough to get an invitation to Sushi! Roti! Reibekuchen!:
"It was amazingly good! They were joined by Holger Czukay (former member of Can), who added his tapes of short-wave radio recordings to the music. Slop Shop consisted of 3 guys (synthesizer, bass, drums). Eno played his good old DX-7, but also spent a long time at a computer, where he constructed brilliant drums tracks from scratch, and at the mixing device where he manipulated what he had just created with filters, loop devices and suchlike. While the invitation for the party said something like "incidental" music, they actually played all night long, nearly 3 hours. They did a sort of jam session, with sections where they built up soundscapes, and other more rhythmic sections. Eno seemed to be the driving force: more than once it was him who entered the stage first after a break and started beckoning the others to join in.
The installation: The music comes from 2 CDs plus a computer (running Koan). There were instrumental tracks (seemingly he made extensive use of the DX-7 machine) as well as little stories/poems spoken by Eno. The CD tracks were combined at random, while Koan supplied sort of string soundscapes. There was just one small room totally darkened with a few light objects slowly changing and music (specially recorded for this event) playing. The light objects consisted mainly of a screen where slides hand-painted by Eno were projected over another, slowly fading in and out. Although there was only a limited number different slides (about 30), there was a great number of different combinations, so even after an hour or so you weren't able to recognize a recurring pattern. Even more so, since they were chosen at random. All in all a very meditative thing where I could easily spend an hour or more..."
Water music -- The Merce Cunningham Dance Company will be performing Pond Way, for which Brian Eno wrote the music, at London's Barbican Centre in October 1998. Performances will take place from Tuesday 6th until Saturday 10th, but I'm not clear on whether Pond Way will be part of the programme every evening.
Sound and vision -- The Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle in Bonn is hopeful that it may be able to rebroadcast the recent concert and lecture, in mid-to-late September, provided permission can be gained from the artists involved. If this happens, they are looking at reducing the bandwidth required, so that people with 28.8 modems (such as the EnoWeb's newsbot) can hear/see something other than the "unable to connect" message. In the meantime, the site has some pictures of the opening here and some more pictures of the installation here.
James jams -- James are back in the studio with Brian, working on their next album. It's planned to be a real long player, with 18 songs.
All-seeing Eye -- From 28th August to 8th November 1998, the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle in Bonn will host an installation by Brian Eno, entitled Future Light-Lounge Proposal and subtitled Music for Eyes - Musik zum Sehen.
The opening party (attendance by invitation only) on Thursday 27th August goes by the name of Sushi! Roti! Reibekuchen! - A High-Altitude Food Performance (with incidental music by Slop Shop and Brian Eno). (The dictionary of the EnoWeb's German Correspondent translates "Reibekuchen" as "potato fritter"). Brian recently enthused about Slop Shop on the BBC Radio 3 programme Mixing It. Although the event isn't open to the public, the rare public performance by Brian is being broadcast live on the Net, in RealVideo, starting at 20:00 (Central European Time) -- see URL below.
The evening of Saturday 29th August will see a Public Talk entitled Brian Eno: Conversation with umbrella, tape recorder, record player, overhead projector and Michael Engelbrecht. Starting at 20:00 (Central European Time), this is also being broadcast in RealVideo.
The Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle page about the events is here. A German-language version of the page is here. The page with the live action is here (or here auf Deutsch) -- the site recommends you log in around 19:00 CET, and says there will be no limit on the number of people accessing the events. The Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle's homepage is here. If you need a player for RealVideo content, visit the RealNetworks site.
Brian explains:
"I want to make places that feel like music. I want to make things which are like music for the eyes. I want to extend music out into space, into the 3 dimensions of space, and into colour.
I want to make the kind of art that would be found in the kind of world I would like to live in.
Can you create a world by suggesting the objects and experiences that would belong in it? Is this the way we move into our futures, casting little hooks forward and then pulling ourselves along by them?"
Pyramid Selling -- Brian Eno provides the music for a CD-ROM game called Nile: an Ancient Egyptian Quest. The game was published in late 1997, and the music (© 1996) is a mixture of unreleased tracks, music which previously appeared on the soundtrack of Neverwhere and music from Generative Music 1. The game is published by Simon & Schuster Interactive; they have a page on it here with a link to a sample. In the UK the game is distributed by Zablac Entertainment.
Still Roxying after all these years -- What happens if you type in http://www.brianeno.co.uk in your browser? The same thing that happens if you type in http://www.roxymusic.co.uk: you're transported to the gateway for the new Official Roxy Music Site. There's just a chance to request information there at the moment. The EnoWeb wonders why http://www.bryanferry.co.uk doesn't have the same effect, what with Bryan being the mainstay of the band and all.
Soul Music -- Brian Eno co-produces the track 'Lam Lam' on Baaba Maal's new album Nomad Soul, along with Jon Hassell and Howie B. You can hear extracts from 3 tracks including 'Lam Lam' here. The album is on Palm Pictures, a division of Island Records, number PALMCD 2002. The UK version of the booklet attributes the production credit for the track 'Iawa' to these three as well, but apparently that isn't supported by the American booklet or the web-site so it must be a fib. July's Eno trivia: Brian gets called "Brain" in the small print on the CD.
The 1998 American Dance Festival featured the east coast premiere performance of Pond Way -- a collaboration between Merce Cunningham, Roy Lichtenstein and Brian Eno -- from July 16-18. Apparently Merce Cunningham and Brian Eno worked on their contributions in isolation, and the first time the dancers of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company heard the music was at the world premiere. The festival was held in North Carolina, and there's more information at www.americandancefestival.org.
Brian finished a disappointing joint 72nd in Q Magazine's round-up of the world's 100 richest rock stars, with just £7 million to his name. The EnoWeb says: Diversification, that's the name of the game these days, Brian my old son. If you really want to mix it with the big boys, you want to be branching out a bit. Take a leaf outta your old mate David Bowie's book -- he's setting up his own Internet service, BowieNet.
A recent trawl of the Web turned up a saintly picture of Brian by Steve Double here and a demonic picture by Anton Corbijn here.
Brian was interviewed on the Radio 3 programme Mixing It in the UK, on May 18th. The programme has a regular feature where musicians are asked to choose three favourite pieces. Brian preferred not to choose three favourites, instead selecting three tracks based on two criteria -- they should be contemporary and from different cultures. He's also keen on music that occupies a new musical space. The tracks he chose were as follows (spelling may be not be exact):
- Fast Age from the album Makrodelia by Slop Shop (aka Peter Schwaum): PCR006 -- Germany
- Terrorist from the album Lo-Bit Life by Geodesic: Poets Club Records -- Japan
- May This Be Love (by Jimi Hendrix), from the album Wrecking Ball by Emmylou Harris: Grapevine GRACD 102 -- USA
Interviewers Robert Sandall and Mark Russell also asked what other music Brian was listening to; it appears he's enjoying Underworld's Second Toughest In The Infants.
Interviewed by Francine Stock on the Radio 4 programme Front Row shortly before his birthday, Brian said "I'm starting to become interested in words again. But I don't know what to do with them."
You can get in on this interview thing yourself by picking up the June issue of Mojo magazine. In it, there's an excellent feature in which Andy Gill interviews Brian, who comments fulsomely on most of his albums. Simply read Brian's responses out loud, and it'll be as if you're really there.
May 15th marked Brian's 50th birthday. On that date, the EnoWeb requested that site visitors took time out to imagine "Happy Birthday To You" being played in the style of "Discreet Music". But we don't think anyone did.
The Seventies Revival continues with the release of the film Velvet Goldmine which features several Eno and Roxy Music songs on its 33-piece soundtrack. The majority of the Roxy tracks are played by a group called The Venus In Furs, featuring Bernard Butler, Johnny Greenwood, Paul Kimble, Andy MacKay and Thom Yorke, whilst most of Brian's tracks are his original recordings from Here Come The Warm Jets and Taking Tiger Mountain. More information including a full track listing can be found at the murmurs.com REM site. According to the Internet Movie Database, preliminary release dates for the film are as follows: Australia -- 28 May 1998; USA, UK and Germany -- September 1998. Thanks to Dan Smith and Robert Phan.
An article by Tim de Lisle in the Independent on Sunday on 10th May reveals that Brian has recently recorded two love songs; that earlier this year he did some recording in Amsterdam, in a studio described by photographer Anton Corbijn as "like the film Delicatessen -- some derelict basement, in an abandoned part of the harbour, in a soon- to- be- demolished house..."; and that he recorded some tracks with Dave Stewart (this time in France) using a travel alarm-clock as a metronome. Of course, Brian releases only a small fraction of the music he creates, but the EnoWeb lives in hope...
Roedelius'new album Aquarello includes a track entitled "More Of It", which is a new arrangement of "The Shade" from After The Heat by Roedelius, Moebius and Eno.
In a move clearly planned to shake the rock world to its very foundations, Brian Eno recently joined the cast of the Channel 4 comedy series Father Ted for its eighth and final third-season episode, which also featured the last performance of the talented and much-missed Dermot Morgan (Father Ted Crilly himself), who died a few days after it was recorded.
On-screen for a very few non-speaking seconds, Brian played the mysteriously-titled Father Brian Eno. Father Ted was introduced to Father Brian Eno, but was then called away to deal with a priest who was threatening to throw himself off a ledge outside the window. What next for Brian after this role? Without wanting to break any confidences, the EnoWeb understands that he is under consideration for several more acting parts: a dramatisation of John Cage's 4' 33", the title role in The Marcel Marceau Story, and all of the Keystone Cops in Heroes Of Silent Comedy.
Bang on a Can performed their orchestrated version of Music for Airports at Stansted Airport, Great Britain on 24th April. Brian was invited as guest of honour (he gets to go to all the hip 'n' happening venues), along with Robert Wyatt and Rhett Davies. According to a report by Nigel Williamson in The Times (28th April, Arts section), following the concert "a delighted Eno declared that his original recording had merely been a demo waiting for this first 'proper performance'." Bang On A Can also played "Everything Merges With The Night" as an encore.
Brian has mixed Sinead O'Connor's track "Emma's Song" -- composed for the new Avengers movie -- in Windmill Lane studios, Dublin. Look out for the soundtrack album, due for release in the US on 7th July according to Ice Magazine. There's a strong possibility that Brian and Sinead may work together again in the near future.
Brian has contributed one of the elements for Koan^oasis 198, the world's first on-line collaborative Generative Music composition. Koan^oasis 198 uses SSEYO's Koan software -- which produces music which is non-identical every time it is played -- and includes contributions from 12 composers whose musical elements interact and harmonise with each other in real time as they play. Picking up a fallen coconut from one of the oasis' virtual palm trees and cracking it open on the edge of his DX7, Brian stated: "Koan^oasis is a kind of global music ecosystem. Each composer contributes a musical 'life-form' with its own character and behaviour, and the music is the rich, ever-changing ecology of interactions between the life-forms." Visit the SSEYO web-site to experience this milestone in Generative ambient music.
Other contributors to Koan^oasis 198 include Koanmeisters Tim Didymus (aka Koan Master), Kaon Koo and Mark Harrop. To hear Brian's element "Pulse 1e" coexisting in Koan^oasis 198, you'll need a PC (Pentium 120 or higher) with a Sound Blaster AWE soundcard, 32-bit Internet Explorer 3 (or higher) or Netscape 3 (or higher), the IKMC plug-in (a free download from SSEYO's site). If you don't have an AWE card, a SoundBlaster 32 gives acceptable results, and the EnoWeb's Yamaha SoftSynth at work did a pretty good job too.
Cancellation: Brian Eno didn't speak at UnConvention 98 in London, the annual convention of The Fortean Times. The smart money has it that the aliens who kidnapped him and stole his hair -- as he claimed in a lecture to a wrapt Imagination audience -- have arranged a clashing appointment to kidnap him again, this time to give his hair back. The aliens believe that he will make a new album of songs if he becomes his former hirsute self.
Music by Brian formed part of an installation of work by Czech artist Jiri Prihoda in Nova Sin, a gallery in Prague (Tel: +4202 292 046). The installation ran until 19th April.
Man bites Eno! Talking of the Czech Republic, we are indebted to EnoWeb visitor Mark Garland, who forwarded us a curious news story by Kerry Lynn Fraley and Lisa Graybeal. It seems that Harry William "Billy" Shuff Jr, of Thurmont, Md., after taking three people hostage in Shuff's Meat Market and swinging a pool stick, ended up in a melee with police in which he "bit a chunk bigger than a quarter from Eno's ear" after Eno "went for his chest". Eno ("a German Shepherd from Czechoslovakia"), "was later treated by a veterinarian, who did reconstructive surgery". Sgt. C.I. Tobery Jr. is quoted as saying that "he and his fellow deputies appreciated the unusual sacrifice Eno made for them".
Under the name UILAB, the groups Stereolab and UI have collaborated on four covers of the Eno song "St Elmo's Fire": "Radio", "Red Corona", "Spatio-Dynamic" and "Snow". The CD, titledFires, is on the Duophonic Super 45s label, number DS45-CD19, and includes two other tracks, "Less Time" and "Impulse Rah!"
Michael "Ike" Hall tells us: "NPR just did a story on February 19, 1998 on Bang on a Can's upcoming performances of Music for Airports. Bang on a Can is a performance group dealing mostly with new music. The members of Bang on a Can discussed the process by which they deconstructed Music for Airports in order to score it. They found some surprises in the piece even after months of work." The group is performing the piece in a number of venues in the States -- the world premiere concert will take place at Alice Tully Hall in New York on March 7, with a 13-city tour to follow in early April. (see below). All the concerts will feature the entire Music for Airports; the rest of the program will include pieces by other composers such as Glenn Branca, Tan Dun, and Arnold Dreyblatt. There is an album on the Point Music label for those of us who can't get to the concerts.
Evan Ziporyn of Bang On A Can explains: "We contacted Eno by e-mail and, after getting his explicit approval, we went ahead with the project, carefully transcribing the entire album onto standard musical notation and experimenting with various ways of approaching and orchestrating it. We decided early on to do it with acoustic instruments and without the use of tape-loops, since we are not trying to improve on the original (which is a masterpiece), but simply to find a way to bring it to life with real people playing in real time. Each movement was arranged by a different person, the task being to make a version that was both faithful and at the same time reinvented. I guess the end result can speak for itself - but we're really happy both with the way it came out and with the experience of doing it, and we hope that people will at least give it a fair hearing. Eno himself heard the disc and sent us a big thumbs up, which needless to say made our day..." Bang On A Can has a web-site with more details of the release - here.
The locations are as follows:
March 7 Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NY
March 28 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond VA
April 1 Walker Art Center Minneapolis MN
April 2 Park West, Chicago, IL
April 3 Duke University, Raleigh-Durham, NC
April 4 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
April 16 Louisville Center for the Arts, Louisville, KY
April 17 Annenberg Center, Philadelphia, PA
April 20 Vienna, Austria
April 21 Bratislava, Slovakia
April 23 Berlin, Germany
April 24 Stansted Airport, Great Britain
April 25 Pesaro, Italy
April 27 Milan, Italy
April 28 Turin, Italy
Brian contributed to the Time and Bits conference from February 8th-10th 1998 at the Getty Center. The conference discussed the future of digital archives and data preservation. See the Time and Bits web-site for further information including a photograph of the speakers which appears to show Brian wearing the cool shades he modelled for Nerve Net. The conference was organised in conjunction with The Long Now Foundation, of which Brian and some of the other conference delegates are board members.
On 21st December 1997 the dreams of the charity War Child were fulfilled with the opening of the Pavarotti Music Centre in Mostar, attended by War Child patrons including Brian Eno, Tom Stoppard and Luciano Pavarotti (who travelled despite suffering from the 'flu.) According to a report by Susan Nickalls in The Independent (20th December), the centre's main focus will be a music therapy programme for children suffering from war trauma. It also aims to provide a base for music tuition, art therapy, photography, DJing, drama and a host of other artistic activities.
The centre also houses a recording studio co-designed by Peter Gabriel's Real World Studios experts and Brian Eno -- who plans to do some recording there in 1998.
The majority of the finance was raised through Luciano Pavarotti's "Pavarotti and Friends" concerts, with a significant role played by the "Help" album and the "Pagan Fun Wear" and "Musical Milestones" auctions devised by Brian, Anthea Eno and others. The opening of the centre is just the start, and War Child still needs funds to ensure that the centre can run and achieve its full potential for the children of Bosnia. Visit the War Child site to discover more about its work and find out how to make donations. And don't forget to pick up the Advent Millennium 2-year calendar.
From November to mid-December 1997 the Russian Museum in St Petersburg hosted Lightness, an installation by Brian. He described it as a mixture of "cinema, fireworks display, environmental music and installation." A limited edition of 200 CDs of the music was released for sale at the installation. Happily for those of us who didn't get to St Petersburg, Opal now has a few of the CDs available for sale by mail! They can accept payment in both UK Pounds and US Dollars. The price including postage and packing is just £15.00 (fifteen Pounds Sterling) or $20.00 (twenty US Dollars). If you would like to buy one, just send a cheque or check for the appropriate amount, payable to Opal Ltd., to: Opal Ltd., 3 Pembridge Mews, London W11 3EQ, Great Britain. If you mention the EnoWeb when ordering, that might boost our ego a bit.
The EnoWeb's roving reporter Malcolm Humes offers some views on the Lightness CD. The St Petersburg Times featured a story on the installation and also an interview with Brian from a few months earlier in his 6-month sabbatical, both written by Sergey Chernov.
There was an installation of Brian's Generative Music at the Winter Garden of The World Financial Center in New York from January 27 to February 7 1998. Brian presented five pieces, including two new ones created for the Winter Garden. Visit http://www.worldfinancialcenter.com for more information. The downloadable extract they planned to feature sadly never surfaced.
Last year Roy Orbison, this year Willie Nelson. The current U2 CD single, 'If God Will Send His Angels', includes a track remixed by Brian, 'Slow Dancing', on which Brian provides backing vocals for Willie Nelson. The CD also features 'Two Shots Of Happy, One Shot Of Sad', which formed part of Bono's exhibit for the Musical Milestones auction for War Child last year.
Computer Life has a new interview with Brian here.
The Lightness CD means that 1997 was a bumper year for albums by Brian Eno -- The Drop, the Extracts from Music for White Cube catalogue CD, and a very small edition (25-ish) of unique CD-Rs of Contra 1.2, a Koan piece. The decision to limit the availability of three of these albums is perhaps surprising, as world-wide there are in all likelihood more than 25, 200 or 500 people who would like to get the chance to hear them. Concern has also been voiced in some quarters about the way the gallery's asking price for the White Cube CD has leapt up from an initial £20 to £50 as the available numbers have decreased. There is a difference of perception -- music buyers view it as an Eno music CD and expect to buy a shop-level price, while the gallery brands it a piece of limited edition contemporary art subject to the usual rules governing limited prints (the fewer there are, the higher the cost).
Brian is famous for investigating a particular musical area for a time, then getting bored and going off to investigate something else. His abandonment of the My Squelchy Life project showed what can happen when he no longer feels in sympathy with music he's created after just a few months. It's possible that he is currently enjoying the ability to release music immediately, when he's still in the same mind-set that he was when he made it, and without having to back it up through the schedules, delays, publicity campaigns and interviews that traditionally have to accompany an album if it is being marketed on a large scale. Perhaps one day some kind of happy medium will be reached whereby small-circulation albums will be made available on a regular subscription basis... an Opal Information for the Millennium, maybe... Oh, and talking of the Millennium, what about the Advent Millennium calendar?
In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Brian was quoted as saying "I've begun writing 'proper' songs and singing again." Could he be coming full circle for his 25th year in solo showbiz?
LYCOS has chosen the EnoWeb as one of its Top 5% of web sites. Tom Boon, Site Manager, said: "It is very reassuring to know that we are no longer in the bottom 95%. I feel this is a real vindication of the tough stance the EnoWeb has taken against cattle-rustling." EnoWeb Site Guru Malcolm Humes, currently only contactable through the New Church Of William Burroughs (est 1997), commented: "Dream sweepstake curious cut-up-technique camped out expanding." The (overly generous) LYCOS Top 5% review of the EnoWeb is at http://point.lycos.com/reviews/MusicGuide_12783.html and the rest of the Top 5% are at http://point.lycos.com/categories/.
We have a bigger and better Picture Gallery.
Brian's most recent album, entitled The Drop, was released in July 1997. We have a dedicated page on it here.
Clicking on the Milestones image below will take you to Fusion Interactive's on-line Musical Milestones exhibition, which show-cases many of the exhibits donated to the auction in aid of War Child.
ENOWORLD. Weekly World Eno has been revolutionised -- and this time it's out for revenge! Well, not actually revenge as such, but it has changed. It's your chance to share your Eno stories, write Unthinkable Futures scenarios, and much more, captured forever in fine hand-painted bisque porcelain.
The Nerve Net e-mail newsletter. Subscribe to this, and you'll get all the news and views from Eno enthusiasts across the globe in a convenient regular digest. Nerve Net is a lot more focused than the alt.music.brian-eno newsgroup and you don't have to put up with any spam. Subscribe today!
iMusic has a Brian Eno Bulletin Board.