enoweb |
news: updated 23rd december 02007 : |
David Byrne
has written an article for Wired called David Byrne's Survival
Strategies for Emerging Artists — and Megastars. On page 2 there's
audio: 20 minutes of conversation between David and Brian as they chat in a
restaurant. You'll laugh at their gags! You'll cry as you hear Brian enthuse
about selling CDs on Enoshop, bearing in mind the last new CD there was Curiosities
Vol 2 back in 2004 [correction: you might count the digital downloads
of The Fahrenheit Twins and Beyond Even (apparently complete
with final track "Dross Crisis in Lust Storm")]! You'll throw
your etiquette manual at them in disgust as they speak with their mouths full!
(Thanks to Bob Pearce & Richard Joly).
New leader
of the UK's Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg has chosen Brian as an advisor. (Thanks
to David Whittaker, Kevin Eden, Rory Walsh & Richard Joly).
- Telegraph
- Guardian
- Brian is interviewed on The World At One -- RealAudio, available until Wednesday 26th (Boxing Day)
If you're
like EnoWeb, your knowledge of Peter Schmidt may be limited to the fact that
he was an artist friend of Brian's who provided some album art. John Emr has
been working to remedy that, with a new web-site, www.PeterSchmidtWeb.com. There
is artwork from the Eno side of things (including some of the original Polaroids
used in the creation of the Taking Tiger Mountain cover), and you'll
quickly discover the incredible scope of the man, his work and life, through
art and writings.
Abrahams has been writing about his recent projects with Brian, editing jam
sessions with Herbie Hancock and working on a film soundtrack.
- Leo Abrahams (22nd December and 16th November)
track "Blue Bus" on Daniel Lanois' Here Is What Is album
turns out to be an alternative version of "Deep Blue Day".
Dunnill writes: Just got hold of the latest Gescom CD and instantly recognised
the track b1 as the Eno/Byrne track "Come with Us" from My Life in
the Bush of Ghosts. Some Googling later it appears that each track on their
new CD is made from samples of other records. You can listen to a snippet of
it -- as you can hear it's not a remix as such but a new track. Definitely one
for the completists.
Over on
Nerve Net, Ben House writes of a new collaboration between Phoebe Legere, Brian
and Leo Abrahams.
Our previous update was on 10th December when we wrote:
David Byrne
was interviewed by Jack Docherty on BBC Radio 2 a few weekends ago.
DB: "I've also been doing a collaboration with Brian Eno, of songs, and
that's kind of inching its way along."
JD: "Any connection with Bush of Ghosts, or is it entirely different
kind of thing?"
DB: "It's an entirely different kind of thing."
JD: (laughing) "Another million-seller!"
DB: "Who knows? This one is proper songs."
(Thanks to Rich Eno)
Brian appeared
on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme on Saturday 8th December to talk about
the late Karl-Heinz Stockhausen. (Thanks to David Whittaker).
- Today (RealAudio stream - fast-forward to the 19:45 mark)
was interviewed by AlJazeera's Riz Khan on 01 Nov 07 (thanks to Phil Franks).
We like the bit at the start where he is described as "speaking out against
the war in Iraq, environmental issues and civil liberties".
to the Dark Symphony information in one of the October updates, Mark
Harrop informs us that higher quality videos and downloadable QuickTime
5.1 surround AAC format audios are now available. With Koan now unavailable
(and Brian's pieces effectively unplayable on Windows XP / Vista / any Mac OS),
this allows you to hear some of them, together with tracks from other Koan musicians.
talking of Koan, the Cole brothers have just launched their new generative music
software for Windows & Mac, Noatikl.
Chats with
Brian Eno appear on Daniel Lanois' new digital album, Here Is What Is,
to be released on 15th December. The DVD of the film of the same name is due
out on March 18th 2008. (Thanks to Bernd Kretzschmar).
Kretzschmar also writes: On November 17th Brian Eno was awarded an Honorary
Certificate for Lifetime Achievement by German record critics.
Our previous update was on 11th November when we reported:
Brian wrote
an article for The Guardian about Jon Hassell (thanks to David
Whittaker, Tim Boon & David Evans).
Out soon
is the snappily-titled 2-DVD set Roxy Music: The Thrill Of It All - A Visual
History 1972-1982. Including an early performance at the RCA, "this
is a visual feast which will satisfy even the most ardent Roxy fans. Perhaps
most significantly is footage from the Montreux Rose Festival - the last filmed
performance of Brian Eno with the band." Complete with thinks bubble agonising
about his laundry, EnoWeb hopes.
news for Eno completists, as the Tanit cover of "Lola", featuring
Brian, is re-released on a compilation called 1981-1985. There is also
a boxed set re-release of David Bowie's most recent 5 albums including 1.Outside,
with the second CD of repetitive remixes and "Nothing To Be Desired"
that was put out a few years ago.
- Infrastition (Tanit)
- PlugInMusic (Bowie)
Our previous update was on 8th November when we reported:
from All Saints explains: The new version of 77 Million Paintings
has some revised text, new photographs, slightly improved software and more
tracks of music (previously it was four, now it is six).
- Kelkoo -- current best UK price is from Bensonsworld via Kelkoo: £12.82 inc postage
also says: Brian will be opening a 77 Million Paintings installation
at the Swarovski Museum, Wattens, Austria, on 30th November.
- Swarovski (no info yet)
Eden writes: Not sure if this has been listed before, but it's a great
site for Fripp and Eno photos etc from their 1975 tour.
LaBerge e-mails: Here is a link to a version of "King's Lead Hat"
by The People Planners.
Our previous update was on 5th November when we reported:
years EnoWeb's been going, and there are still old histories and new mysteries
to explore. We think you'll like this discovery...
Fisher writes: Play.com is listing a new release of 77 Million Paintings
- Second Revised Edition. Tore Pettersen gives the description:
"Features an interview DVD in which Eno discusses his creation of the 77
Million Paintings software, the next evolutionary stage of his exploration
into light as an artist's medium and the aesthetic possibilities of 'generative
software'. The accompanying software disc creates a constantly evolving, slowly
changing 'light painting' on your computer monitor or TV with virtually infinite
variations and the music of Brian Eno. The package includes an exclusive interview
disc featuring Brian Eno discussing this and other projects, plus an extensive
essay from Eno with previously unseen photos of his work. The Software disc
includes an expanded soundtrack of Eno music and is Mac/PC compatible. Packaging
includes 48 page colour booklet. Released 19th November." Not clear what
sets it apart from the first release, then...
Abrahams' most recent blog entry mentions a project with Brian.
Cale mentions joking with Brian in an interview for The Australian.
Koo writes: Just came across this recently archived clip of Daniel Lanois
interviewed on The Hour by the CBC (1st November) and thought you might
be interested. Broadband required.
Our previous update was on 31st October when we reported:
Brian has
been identified as 15th in a list of 100 contemporary living geniuses by consultants
Mustard The Tortoise: What advanced methodology did these pioneers in the
field of organisational creativity utilise in reaching this moon-shot conclusion?
EnoWeb: Hush, reptile, I shall explain. They e-mailed "4,000 known
people" and asked them to nominate living geniuses.
Mustard: Why not 4,000 unknown people? Surely that would have
given a wider spread of opinion. Why stop at e-mail? Not everybody uses it.
And why stop at people? I notice they didn't e-mail me.
EnoWeb: Never mind. Just over 600 people could be arsed to bother replying,
and after Synectics had gone through the answers to separate the wheat from
the chaff they ended up with 400+ names. Their six experts then rated each person
by applying five criteria. There was a maximum score of 10 for each criterion,
and this is what gave Brian his ranking of 15 with a Genius Factor score of
19: Paradigm Shifter 4/10, Popular Acclaim 4/10, Intellectual Power 2/10, Achievement
4/10, Cultural Importance 5/10.
Mustard: Pretty damning all in all. Next time I see Brian in the street
I'm going to point a claw at him and shout "Thicko! Intellectual Power
officially a pitiful 2/10, ner-ner-nee-ner-ner!"
EnoWeb: Oh c'mon, surely it's just a bit of fun.
Mustard: Laughable, certainly. Do you think Brian will now go on a
serial killer spree and take out the 14 bigger geniuses who stand between him
and the coveted top spot?
EnoWeb: I'm sure there would be no more intelligent way to end on a
career high.
Mustard: Yeah. "It's a fair cop, Sergeant, but the Oblique Strategies
told me to do it."
- Daily Telegraph
- The mere idea rattles the cage of The Guardian's Marcel Berlins (Thanks to David Evans and David Whittaker for links)
- Synectics (Many newspaper reports refer to them as "Creators Synectics", apparently misreading a press release rather than checking)
Walsh writes: According to November's Q Magazine, Dido is working
on a new album. It appears that Dido took most of 2006 to nurse her father who
passed away just before Christmas. During this period she took to driving across
the Californian desert listening to Another Green World. Inspired and
comforted by this work she rang Eno who agreed to work on a collaboration. The
pair wrote two songs, one of which, "Grafton Street", has made it
her new album which is untitled at present but is due out in early 2008.
Faber reviews Michael Bracewell's Roxy Music book. (Thanks to David Evans)
Eden e-mails: This website gives some new info on Jon Hassell: he's re-signed
to ECM (who released Power Spot) and a new album is planned for next
coverage of Robert Wyatt's Comicopera (thanks to Richard Joly).
- Village Voice
- Daily Telegraph
- Pitchfork (mentions "Flies")
has posted another update about the recording of Coldplay's next album. Things
are so fraught that (s)he repeats the word "a" between pages 3 &
Our previous update was on 28th October when we reported:
has Brian's speech at the Stop The War demo.
has Brian's formula, as shown at the Serpentine Gallery Experiment Marathon.
The word
from Canongate is that both The Margin and A Year With Swollen
Appendices have been postponed and there is no confirmed publication date
yet. EnoWeb's money is on 2048 to mark the Centenary of Brian's birth.
In a bid
to break the cycle of using the word "Brian's" in every news story
(tsk!), EnoWeb moves now to the Fripp & Eno album we previously mentioned
in our 3rd October update.
Tore Pettersen writes: I was sent this from Spin today • "Fripp & Eno - Unreleased Works of Startling Genius is a series of musical snapshots, ideas, tunes, pieces, covering a period of several years. Selected by Brian Eno, most are issued here for the first time on CD. The musical content is as varied in mood as one might expect from such disparate time periods" The initial manufacturing run of the album will be issued as a limited edition 2CD set showcasing the music in different ways. CD1 offers the first 12 pieces in segued form with only track 13 (regarded by both musicians as one of Fripp's finest recorded performances) separate, while CD 2 offers the 13 pieces individually. When the initial run is exhausted, a single CD of the music as presented on CD1 will become the standard release edition."
Although frequently listed under that title, the album has actually been released under the title Beyond Even. This makes its third name, as it was originally put out with the moniker The Cotswold Gnomes at dgmlive.com.
Reviews are cropping up here and there.
- BBC Experimental
- Guardian
- Sunday Times (Thanks to Richard Mills)
Up on YouTube
you'll find a series of recordings of Dark Symphony, the Koan installation
at Ars Electronica 2003 which brought together Koan pieces from many different
Koan artists including Brian. By the way, the creators of Koan are about to
release some new generative music software at Intermorphic (somebody else appears
to have nabbed the rights to Koan when Tao [which absorbaloffed SSEYO] melted).
Caron e-mails: Just wanted you to know that dutch television recently re-aired
a documentary on photographer Anton Corbijn which features a photosession with
Eno. Also interviews with Eno, Bono, Depeche Mode and many others... It is now
available online at the site of NPS. Interviews with Corbijn and voiceovers
are in Dutch, but other interviews are in english with dutch subtitles.
U2's The
Joshua Tree will be rereleased in remastered format on November 20th. There
will be four versions in order to irritate completists. The one of most interest
for EnoWeb readers will be the Box Set (rather than the Deluxe, CD or Double
Vinyl Sets) as it includes some liner notes from Brian. Box & Deluxe also
have bonus audio CDs featuring B-sides & rarities from the recording sessions.
(Thanks to Richard Joly)
L. Smith e-mails: Laraaji is now on MySpace. One of the tracks he has posted
is from Ambient 3: Day of Radiance, produced by Brian.
directly to do with Brian, but Paul Williams e-mails: Tony Conrad will
be performing at The Fishmarket, Bradshaw Street, Northampton, NN1 2HL on Saturday
10th November 2007. Tickets £10 advance - £15 door. Venue opens
7.00pm – Performance 9.30pm. Tony Conrad is a giant in the American soundscape.
Since the early 1960s, he has utilized intense amplification, long duration
and precise pitch to forge an aggressively mesmerizing Dream Music. Conrad articulated
the Big Bang of minimalism and played a pivotal role in the formation of the
Velvet Underground. Conrad continues to exert a primal influence over succeeding
generations with his ecstatic oscillations and hypnotic drones.
see what exciting mail we've received lately.
14th Oct. Chris Lawless writes: I came across your website tonight
while trying to find information about a cassette I have in my collection.
EnoWeb: Hold on a moment, we're getting déjà vu here...
3rd Oct. Chris Lawless writes: I came across your website tonight while
trying to find information about a cassette I have in my collection.
EnoWeb: You ought to be careful, stumbling across EnoWeb twice in a
few days like that. Yours must be a very urgent question, of vital importance
to the very future of humankind -- rest assured we shall give it our full attention.
Chris Lawless: It's called Brian Eno Wants You To Hear Something...
and it was released in 1989 on Opal/Warner Brothers. It features Brian Eno talking
about the band, and there's some music in the background as well though to be
honest I haven't listened to it the entire way through. Any idea as to the specific
content and/or what is was supposed to be used for (in store promotion, radio)?
EnoWeb: For the specific content, we recommend that you listen to your
cassette -- it may be that someone has accidentally recorded over it with "Brown
Girl In The Ring" by Boney M. These things can happen and you'll never
know for sure until you play it all. Most people find that this is a promotional
piece with Brian yakking on about the band Hugo Largo, who had been signed to
his record label Land Records. We think it was intended to be sent to journalists
and anyone else who might be interested, on the grounds that Brian's imprimatur
might encourage them to find out about this band rather than one of the many
others yelping for attention. As Brian told
Robert Walsh in 1990, "The other night I was thinking about Mettle,
the new Hugo Largo album we're releasing, which I want to promote in some way.
I was sitting and staring at an electric fire at the time [laughs], and I thought,
I'll use that fire as my model of how I'm going to promote this record. I can't
explain the thought process, but the fire actually became the key; it could
have been anything else -- that slipper or this book." Which we think you'll
agree clarifies the issue immensely.
VIP Casino writes: Welcome to Royal VIP Casino, where everyone is King.
Mustard: I must say that sounds like a most equitable arrangement.
But hold on, if everyone is King, then who will be our servants? Other kings?
I hardly think they will want to sully their dainty kingly hands with harsh
manual labour. You really haven't though this through, have you. What's that
-- a bribe of some sort?
Royal VIP Casino: Only from the most noble of all casinos you could
except such a Regal gift.
Mustard: "Except", as in "take exception to", do
you mean? Or "accept"? My royal nature is most distressed by such
infelicities of spelling. Guards! Take this Spammer away!
Gul writes: whatz craken tom
EnoWeb: A Kraken is a tentacled sea-monster.
Sukhveer Gul: be the talk among your peers once they hear about your
EnoWeb: Yup, that's right, there's nothing we men like better than
to chat away for hours on that topic. Do you Spammers ever read your own e-mails
and think that maybe, just maybe, they are a little too ludicrous?
T. Patterson writes: We are here for your penis! You'll like it!
Mustard: You can't have it. I am rather attached to it, you see. By
the way, you Spammers seem to have an unhealthy fixation with sexual matters.
I'd be worried if I were you.
Guadalupe T. Patterson: Check out the reviews, all these girls are
Mustard: A tragic affliction. Is there no cure to prevent them tilting
about all over the place?
Guadalupe T. Patterson: who love sex...
Mustard: Ah, there you go again. See what I mean?
Guadalupe T. Patterson: ...and just need a bit more on the side.
Mustard: That would make sense, actually. If they can only have some
kind of counterweight fitted on one side, that should stabilise them and stop
all that swinging. Nobel Prize for Medicine on its way!
Guadalupe T. Patterson: See what is available on the menu today.
Mustard: Is it dandelions?
Our previous update was on 9th October when we reported:
has posted the text of Brian's speech at the Stop The War demo.
Brian will
contribute a formula to the Serpentine Gallery's 24-hour Experiment Marathon
on 13th-14th October.
Fripp has been writing more on the remastering of the early Fripp & Eno
(brief mention at the end of 3rd October too)
Kretschmar has been on another hunting expedition. These are his trophies:
- an old Eno installation in Berlin 1996
- some photos from the Swarovski museum permanent Eno installation
- a not so friendly review of the 2006 Milanesiana 77 mio. installation
- an 2003 essay on Eno (in French)
- a mix (to download as .mp3) called "Tea Time at Brian Eno's House"
- a review of the 2001 installation Compact Forest Proposal
- a review of the 1999 installation I Dormienti
- this great japanese Eno site -- the year number links to the right lead you to the most extensive list of previous Eno installations I have seen so far
- extensive info on the fuji gig (plus photos!)
- a 2005 interview plus some photos
- Eno/Schwalm from 2001
Our previous update was on 7th October when we reported:
Brian has
written an article for The Guardian,"This ban will not stop us",
on Iraq and Stop The War's banned march in London on 8th October. (Thanks
to Richard Mills).
The New
Statesman has a review of Michael Bracewell's new book on Roxy Music by
Brian Dillon.
Our previous update was on 4th October when we reported:
Peter Schwalm says: The PUNKT remix of Brian's Musikain song "No
Orders" is now available. The credits for "No Orders" are: trumpet
by Arve Henriksen, additional vocals by Greta Aagre. It is part of a remix EP
which also includes remixes of the following songs: "P.I.N." with
Imogen Heap, "You Are The Fool" with the Lea Shores, "This Town"
with Zulma Valdez - who happens to be my neighbour - and one previously unreleased
track called "M-un-Dos".
Whitaker e-mails: Harold Budd gave one of his rare performances in Oxford
(or anywhere) at the historical Holywell Music Rooms on October 3rd. It was
a typically (one man) gorgeous set on grand piano. Minimalism stripped bare
even by the bride's standards.
Our previous update was on 3rd October when we reported:
transmits: Just wanted to let you know about a video on my film-maker friend
Sophie Clements' page. We've worked together a few times and she's been working
a lot with Peter Schwalm recently (who just played an awesome set at Punkt in
Norway last weekend). Scroll down to live AV work and you'll find this:
MUSIKAIN LIVE (excerpts) 22:54 ( 25/05/07)
visuals: Sophie Clements
sound: J.Peter Schwalm with Brian Eno (keyboards), Tim Harries (bass), Eivind
Aarset (guitar)
Excerpts of an ambient electronic set, performed in Naples, Italy, to open Brian
Eno's 77 Million Paintings exhibition. What a treat eh?!
- Sophie Clements (some EnoWebbers have had difficulty seeing the link due to screen resolution issues -- if that applies to you, the direct link to the Schwalm page is here)
not the end of the Sophie Clements/Eno/Schwalm goodness. Over at another
site you can see an additional video from the performance.
- Dissstudio (bottom row, click on the black & white image of the houses) (thanks to Bernd Kretschmar)
mentioned the Punkt Festival, and you can see a performance from 2006 by J.
Peter Schwalm & musicians (although not Brian) of the Schwalm/Eno/Wagner
piece "Blue/Brown/Green" at the Punkt site.
To nobody's
great surprise, The Margin -- Canongate's 2008 desk diary curated by
Brian -- appears to be experiencing a delay of a publicational nature. Amazon
has changed its 30th September release date to somewhere in the vague 12th-17th
October region. Canongate's web-site has carried the come-hither slogan The
publication status of this edition is currently forthcoming for a while
now. Also on Canongate's books, ha ha, is Brian's re-released 1995 A Year
With Swollen Appendices diary, the publication status of which
is similarly currently forthcoming.
In other book news, Kevin Eden points out a new book for 2008, Brian Eno's "Another Green World", in which Geeta Dayal interviews Brian and his collaborators about the album.
And David Whittaker e-mails: Following on from my book Stafford Beer: a Personal Memoir (which includes a lengthy interview with Eno), my new book Stonelight has just been published. It is a collection of photographs and essays on a variety of topics but it does include a new piece Brian Eno, Stafford Beer and the Quiet Revolution which takes a close look at just how influential Beer's cybernetic ideas were on Eno’s music making in the '70s. Both books available from Wavestone Press.
Q Magazine
is celebrating its 21st birthday in its November 2007 issue -- and to mark the
occasion it is breaking with tradition by putting together a {number
of} {adjective} {things/people} list. This time it is The 21 People
Who Changed Music. One of them is Brian, and as well as the 1-page interview
with him he manages to chip into Coldplay's discussion of Kraftwerk (Thanks
to Rupert Loydell).
In other magazine news, Rory Walsh has been flicking through the November issue of MOJO:
Also in the October issue of The Wire (284), David Toop interviews Robert Wyatt about "the troubled backdrop to his latest album Comicopera" and Brian is mentioned a coupla times.
at stately Fripp Manor, Robert Fripp has been writing of the work of remastering
(No Pussyfooting) and other Eno-related topics. (Thanks to Kevin
Eden & Rupert Loydell)
- Robert Fripp on (No Pussyfooting)
- Robert Fripp briefly mentions some other unreleased Fripp & Eno music
- Robert Fripp has some Eno diagrams which are a bit difficult to make out in downsampled images
- Sid Smith recalls (No Pussyfooting)
programme Morning Becomes Eclectic is 30. It is marking the anniversary
by digging out some old interviews, including one from 1992 with Brian on the
morning after his appearance on the sex advice programme Love Lines.
Brian talks to Chris Douridas about Wrong Way Up, Nerve Net
and much more.
KCRW also has a 1997 Café LA interview with Brian and a 2003 interview with Harold Budd.
- Café LA
- Harold Budd (the MP3 version of which cuts out before the end, so probably best to stick to RealAudio)
Savage writes: Just to let let you know, I purchased a new copy of More
Music For Films on October 1, 2007 at Virgin Music... and still track 18,
which should be "Climate Study", is actually a repeat of track 20,
"Approaching Taidu". Thought I'd give a heads-up to others out there
to beware, the original problem noted years ago is still unaddressed and haunting
the the racks in your record stores. Oh, and the download on Sony's service
had the same problem. I've given up.
Nicholas says: The October 2007, 30th Anniversary Special Issue of MIX
Magazine, has named Brian Eno as one of "30 People Who Shaped Sound, 1977-2007,"
alongside of Hugh Padgham, Steve Lillywhite, and Peter Gabriel. Speaking on
Eno, from a reprinted February 1990 MIX Magazine interview, Daniel Lanois stated
that, "everything he did went to tape already manipulated and treated…"
now. Brian has spoken out against the banning of a Stop The War demonstration
within a mile of the Houses of Parliament on 8th October. He'll be there. He
has also become one of the fifty founding members of the new European Council
on Foreign Relations.
Million retrospectives. Wallpaper* has a feature & QuickTime
of the Luminous installation held at Selfridges earlier this year.
Bernd Kretschmar turned up a page on the Naples installation, in which
Dirolamo de Simone comments on some quotes from Brian.
- Wallpaper*
- Napoli (Italian) or Naples (Google's translation into English)
Gavin Evans has two photos of Brian.
- Gavin Evans -- on the left-hand side, click Musicians and then Composers
Brookes e-mails: I thought the Enowebbers might be interested in Root
- a software artwork I have made that generates a continuously evolving mix
of Brian Eno and David Byrne's "A Secret Life". Versions for both
Macintosh and Windows are available for free download.
Leo Abrahams'
new album The Unrest Cure will be released on January 21st. Brian is
featured on the track "No Frame". In the summer Leo gave an interview
to Rockfeedback.com; Brian is discussed on the second page.
Heery e-mails: Just to let you know that Roger Eno has a couple of tunes
on the Green Thing podcast this month. This month it's about walking (to work
or wherever)... to tempt you to put one foot in front of the other, a bunch
of talented musicians and writers have recorded some rather brilliant walking
tunes and walking words that you can download, stick on your iPod or mp3 player
and listen to as you walk.
- The Green Thing
Tracklisting -- Animat : Hummingbird Highway -- inputJunkie : Amble -- Howie B : Walk About -- Cantoma : Maja -- Five Minute Pop Promo : Steve Hawkins -- Tuggy : Drum mix -- Pitch Black : Lost in Translation (International Observer meets Horace) -- AGK (Ackers & G Klub) : Velada -- Chris Pettit : Thirst -- Alucidnation : Lazy Bastard -- Lol Hammond / Roger Eno : Hip hop flipperty flop -- Jake Bickerton : Walking Tour of Wissant -- Jon Hopkins : Glasstop -- R.O.C. : Balloon -- Laura B : Walk to work -- The Soundbeams : Blue Dream Mix -- Roger Eno : Appollonius
Independent has an article on Kevin Ayers, with a brief mention of the
ACNE supergroup.
on YouTube, David Bowie promotes 1.Outside and Daniel Lanois is interviewed,
possibly for a convention of men who wear hats indoors.
Our previous update was on 5th September when we reported:
documentary Scott Walker: 30 Century Man, which includes contributions
from Brian, is out on DVD on 10th September in the UK (PAL Region 2). Apparently
the bonus items on the DVD include a longer interview with Brian.
- Play.com (free T-shirt)
- Amazon.co.uk
Times has an article on Kevin Ayers.
Our previous update was on 3rd September when we reported:
guitarist Robert Fripp has SLAMMED his friend Brian Eno's DANGEROUS HELL-RAISING
ROCK STAR ANTICS -- only to find himself VINDICATED within seconds! EnoWeb respects
Robert's copyright in his writings and directs readers to his diary for more
details. (Thanks to Steven Leak).
- Robert Fripp (it all kicks off at 17.29)
Lanois has suggested that he, Brian and all of U2 may be absent from any further
recording sessions for U2's next album. "The record's kind of making itself,"
he tells Rolling Stone. EnoWeb says: At last generative music
becomes mainstream! Mustard says: Are you sure that was meant to be
taken literally? (thanks to Richard Joly)
Fovea Hex's
three Neither Speak Nor Remain Silent EPs are now available for purchase
as digital downloads from Burning Shed. Bloom and Huge feature
Brian in the starry line-up and Allure has contributions from Robert
Fripp and Percy Jones.
The 77
Million Paintings show has its Canadian premiere in at the LOLA Festival
2007 -- that's London Ontario Live Arts, apparently, not walking like a woman
but talking like a man (not that there's anything stopping visitors doing that
of course). It's on for just 3 days, 20th-22nd September, at the Wolf Performance
Theatre, London Public Library, 251 Dundas Street, Ontario. After that it'll
be heading off to the Venice and Milan Biennales.
- Rush PR News
- LOLA Festival Eno page (same text, bigger pic)
- LOLA Festival
A recollection
from EnoWeb's postbag...
Christine Pratt-Scanlon writes:
(Love your site.)
My recollection of the exact year is hazy for reasons I surely don't need to explain, but around 1976 Eno's name was spray-painted on the wall of the School of Visual Arts on East 23rd Street.
Interestingly (or not), the anonymous author of said graffito misspelled "Brian," whether from an attack of nerves or on purpose I'll never know.
The graffito read: "Brain Eno." How fitting, my roommate (who attended the SVA) and I thought.
This was around the time that Another Green World was released. That much I remember, because after listening to the album for the four hundredth time I decided that, were I to be left on a desert island for the remainder of my life and allowed to bring only one album, Another Green World would be it.
And, after 30-plus (gulp) years, that choice would still stand. Besides, "Golden Hours" has become even more relevant now that I'm 50. (My brains, of course, turned to sand decades ago...)
Again, thanks for a great site. Cheers!
van Doorm e-mails: I just happened to come across another Eno tribute/cover
CD, entitled Oblique Strategies for a Squelchy Life by Doctor X. I
think the cover looks rather promising and so do the reviews clippings.
John Diliberto echoes: the Robin Guthrie & Harold Budd interview is available as an Echoes Podcast ... Harold Budd is the keyboardist who created the sound of ambient chamber music. As the guitarist of The Cocteau Twins, Robin Guthrie created dream guitar textures. The two musicians got together in the 1980s for the album The Moon and the Melodies and have reunited some 20 years later for the soundtrack to Mysterious Skin and a pair of atmospherically chilled albums, After the Night Falls and Before the Day Breaks.
- Podcast (iTunes link)
Telegraph has a profile of Kevin Ayers.
Joly spotted this review of Daniel Lanois' movie.
let's have another look at the EnoWeb postbag...
Pansy Driver writes: I just started having sex, and my boyfriend keeps
popping out when we do it.
EnoWeb says: Well he's clearly so bored that he prefers to nip out
to the pub.
Eve Whalen writes: Hi honey! Remember me
Mustard responds: No. And I am a fierce wild tortoise, not the product
of bees.
Eve: Have not heard from you for ages!
Mustard: Or indeed ever.
Eve: Have you forgotten about me? Hope not!
Mustard: Rest assured that I have not forgotten about you, as I was
never previously aware of your existence. However, using my reptilian mind-tricks...
there. Done.
Eve: How are things going?
Mustard: Sorry, who are you?
Eve: I am stilll single and spring has come..
Mustard: But it's August. Why the extra L?
Eve: all of my friends are hanging out with their boyfriends and I
am alone L
Mustard: Then they should tuck themselves back in. There's another
of those extra Ls, by the way.
Eve: Though we might get to know each other better
Mustard: Though what?
Eve: and perhaps this Spring will be the last lonely spring for us?
Will be waiting.
Mustard: You certainly will. A long, long time.
Our previous update was on 8th August when we reported:
Kevin Kelly
takes a look at Apple's Logic software, co-opts his old mucker Brian for an
opinion, and Brian gives an audio example. (Thanks to Richard Joly &
Andy Flynn)
As many
of you will know, Brian is living something of a hand-to-mouth existence these
days, owing to his policy of giving away MP3s and an album release schedule
that might be described as "rather quiet at the moment". Only a little
production work for little-known outfits such as U2 and Coldplay is providing
a few crumbs to keep him away from the soup kitchen. As Eno fans, we too must
make the most of the few Eno morsels that we can find.
At Nerve Net, Peter van Doorm writes: over at J Peter Schwalm's website, I came across a recent (May 2007) CD/MP3 download release of his entitled Music for (Im)paired Ground (commissioned for ballet). Part 2 (remix) is subtitled "Enojam" and has Eno doing the remix!
EnoWeb adds: The Wagner Remix Project album, which features the Schwalm/Eno track "Blue / Brown / Green", has been released (on iTunes, at any rate).
Those nutty
Coldplay boys are chronicling their latest whacky antics on their website. In
the most recent update, Brian is group-singing. In this act, he should not be
confused with the town of Grøpsingen in Norway of course. If there is
appears in a film by Daniel Lanois, Here Is What Is, which will have
its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival® in September
(remember that ® -- it is very important and we suspect it will play a key
role in the movie). You can see a bit of him in the first QuickTime trailer,
apparently living in a doorway in Morocco where the soup-kitchens are better.
(Thanks to Sebastian Böcking & Rory Walsh).
Pulver e-mails: I am a great fan of Mr. Brian Eno and I would like you
to see my painting of him among others like Björk, Bill Laswell, Frank
Zappa and Robert Wyatt. Take a look at my site and enjoy.
Mills says: Undark, the recording project of Russell Mills, Tom Smyth and
Mike Fearon, will be performing live at the Punkt 07 Festival in Kristiansand
from 29th August to 2nd September. I will also be giving a talk/presentation,
and Mike and I have recorded a new composition in response to a work from the
Museum of Contemporary Art collection.
Our previous update was on 8th July when we reported:
has a gallery of pictures from the USA's first 77 Million Paintings
Here is
a reference to Brian working with Coldplay.
Our previous update was on 5th July when we reported:
up with trawling through page after page of YouTube video postings trying to
find something other than fan videos? So are we, but at least there are a few
new postings worth looking at. Here we go.
- Aragón Televisión's report on 77 Million Paintings
Press Conference with translation in Zaragoza
- 77 Million Paintings in Zaragoza
- 77 Million Paintings in Grotta di Seiano, Naples
- 77 Million Paintings in the USA
- 77 Million Paintings in Second Life
- Jerome Lefdup's "Ali Click" video
- Behind The Song: "Where The Streets Have No Name"
Our previous update was on 3rd July when we reported:
2FM's Dan Hegarty programme is repeating its Hans-Joachim Roedelius session.
This is supposed to include a rendition of "By This River" performed
by Gavin Friday though that didn't get broadcast last time. The programme is
broadcast from 12 midnight to 2am ROI time on Wednesday 4th July, so it's really
the very early hours on Thursday. They have live streaming but the programme
is not archived.
says: So it seems Brian is now officially Professor Eno.
- Channel 4 (no detail what the honour was, exactly)
Tao Group,
which swallowed up Koan creators SSEYO a few years ago, is no more. The Cole
brothers have set up Intermorphic to work on the follow-up to Koan.
- Intermorphic (Thanks to Sean McManus)
Our previous update was on 2nd July when we reported:
Leak & Nick Day gesture towards a Wired interview with Brian
discussing his work on 77 Million Paintings and Spore.
- Wired again (full transcript)
- Wired once more (edited version)
Our previous update was on 27th June when we reported:
writes: along with the Long Now 77 Million Paintings installation,
there will be an installation event in Second Life from 29th June to
1st July. EnoWeb speculates mindlessly: Whatever next, Brian jumping
through an Oblivion Gate clad in Daedric Armour, in pursuit of Mehrunes Dagon?
Mustard agrees: I'd like to see that.
Leak points out: This skimpy but pretty article appeared in the on-line
Wired mag recently. The pics are nice and so is the bickering and bantering
under the article!!!
- Wired (Scroll down to comment on June 25th where you'll see a familiar name...)
Poché adds: Here is an Eno Interview with the San Francisco
Jones says: I would think that the death of Richard Rorty, of pancreatic
cancer at 75, would merit mention on your website. He'll be missed.
- Slate Magazine with tribute from Brian in 7th paragraph (thanks to Onur Azeri)
- Wikipedia (thanks to Bahi Para)
Lewis e-mails: I trust you'll be keeping the celeb underpant story updated
by noting that the Brian/Paul Simon 'collaboration' out-sold Brian/Peter Gabriel
- £26 to £21!
Pietrolungo writes: According to Italian newspaper La Repubblica,
'Brian Eno ha fatto una sorpresa al pubblico in visita alla Grotta di Seiano
(Napoli) per vedere la sua installazione "77 million paintings for Naples".
L'ex Roxy Music è salito sul palco dove si stava esibendo il gruppo di
Jan Peter Schwalm (suo amico e collaboratore) e ha cantato il brano "No
orders". Il concerto e l'installazione diventeranno prossimamente i protagonisti
di un documentario provvisoriamente intitolato "Shooting Eno" che,
probabilmente, sarà presentato durante il prossimo Festival del Cinema
di Roma. Dopo l'improvvisata apparizione a Napoli Eno è tornato a Fes
(Marocco) dove sta registrando il suo nuovo disco.'
'Brian Eno had a surprise in store for the audience visiting his installation
"77 million paintings for Naples" in Grotta di Seiano (Naples). The
ex-Roxy Music star leapt onto the stage where the band of his friend and collaborator
Jan Peter Schwalm was playing, and sang "No Orders". The concert and
installation will soon be the subject of a documentary, provisionally titled
"Shooting Eno", which will probably be presented at the next "Festival
del Cinema" in Rome. Following his improvised appearance in Naples Eno
returned to Fez (Morocco) where he is recording his new album.' Renzo adds:
with U2.
Hart sketches: I did the Brian Eno cartoon so many years ago in PULSE
magazine (published by Tower.) I recently worked on a series of cartoons with
"obstructions" (think: strategies) by a colleague. One of the challenges
was to incorporate an Eno lyric. I also took it as a chance to riff on Eno lyrics
in general. You can see the challenge and results here:
recently spoke to Devo and they briefly mentioned Brian.
- Sonicstate (4'44" in)
David Bowie
has some thoughts about Brian in his booklet notes for the re-release of The
Buddha of Suburbia.
Greg Deocampo,
once of EBN, worked on the CD-ROM game Nile [which featured Brian's
music] back in the day. That's something we hadn't realised. Anyway, he has
an extract in Windows Media 9 format, and it's better quality audio than what
ended up on the CD-ROM.
- Nile page (we also urge you to look around his site, especially the Electronic Behavior Control System video)
audiovisual artist BRK from Eclectic Method has a blog which mentions Brian.
- BRK (22nd November 2006 entry. EnoWeb, always first with the links!)
Our previous update was on 8th June when we reported:
Brian is
one of the musicians on Robert Wyatt's new album, Comicopera. Not out
until October though.
- Domino Recording Company (08/06/07 entry)
Our previous update was on 7th June when we reported:
Graham and Sarah Robayo Sheridan have sent some information about the 77
Million Paintings installation for the Long Now Foundation. It's only on
for 2 evenings to the general public, apparently, which strikes EnoWeb as rather
short-term thinking. But anyway here we go:
The Long Now Foundation presents the North American Premiere of Brian Eno's 77 Million Paintings. Conceived by Brian Eno as "visual music", his latest artwork, 77 Million Paintings is a constantly evolving sound and imagescape. The kaleidoscopic display of the projected images and slow, rhythmic evolution of the artwork create a singular experience for the viewer. In addition to the installation in the Forum, the Grand Lobby at YBCA will be set up for conversations and refreshments, including a full bar, and will also have demonstrations of Long Now's Clock and Library projects.
Friday June 29, 2007, 8pm-2am (general admission)
Saturday June 30, 2007, 8pm-2am (general admission)
Sunday, July 1st, 2007, 7pm-midnight (Long Now Charter Members)
Venue: Yerba Buena Centre for the Arts, 701 Mission Street at Third, San Francisco, CA 94103
Tickets: $25 / $20 for students and seniors.
- YBCA Box Office (415) 978-2787
- Long Now's 77 Million Paintings page
Over at
NerveNet, Bernd Kretzschmar has assembled some links relating to Brian's
installation in Cape Town.
As well
as trotting the globe's rock stadium venues with his 77 Million Paintings
world tour, Brian has found a little time to take part in a few other activities.
He contributed to a Radio 4 programme about Roger Linn, the inventor of the
drum machine (thanks to David Evans), he joined J. Peter Schwalm on
stage in Naples for a song during the Musikain performance (thanks
to Scanner), and he's been in Morocco with U2 and Daniel Lanois. Other
tangents included a discussion of Oblique Strategies between Radio 2 DJs Mark
Radcliffe and Stuart Maconie on BBC Radio 2 (thanks to Phil Leader)
and Bang On A Can including Music for Airports in a music-playing marathon (thanks
to Daniel Bowman Simon).
yet another request from someone wanting to buy music from The Jacket,
EnoWeb contacted Opal to see if there was any likelihood that it would be released.
They said they had no plans to release it. Sorry, we did try.
Our previous update was on 13th May when we reported:
Urcola e-mails: Brian Eno will exhibit 77 Million Paintings in
my town Zaragoza from May 8 to June 17. There is some information here (in Spanish).
- Heraldo.es
- Google's translation - surely "With the magnetism to skin flower" should be a line from one of Harold Budd's poems?
J. Peter
Schwalm has just opened an online store selling his music, much of it previously
unreleased. He also has a Myspace page. He says that his performance in Naples
on 26th May (mentioned in our 4th April update) will be a presentation of Musikain
in an abstract, remixed form -- Musikain has not previously been released
in Italy.
Kretzschmar turned up this info about a recording session in December with
Brian, Herbie Hancock and others.
In August
last year Stylus magazine had a commentary on "Mother Whale Eyeless".
spotted Brian in South Africa a few months ago. Note: this video clip may induce
motion sickness.
Our previous update was on 1st May when we reported:
Brian Eno
and Paul Simon/Peter Gabriel signed underpants on eBay -- auction ends 3rd May.
Now there's something you don't see every day. Thankfully.
77 Million Paintings will be appearing in San Francisco sometime in
the summer, and you can get a free invitation to the premiere if you pay the
Long Now Foundation money to become a Charter Member.
- Long Now
- Laughing Squid has some pics from Long Now's secret headquarters at Fort Mason Center
We read
in the Metamatic newsletter that in June Harold Budd & Robin Guthrie have
two linked CDs out. Yup, that Harold Budd, the one who hasn't allowed
retiring from releasing albums to stop him releasing albums.
- Darla (record label -- scroll down... keep scrolling.. there.)
Our previous update was on 29th April when we reported:
the delay with Brian's Diary we thought we'd check with Orion about the release
date of David Sheppard's biography... and it is now set for 1st May 2008. Disappointing,
but it probably makes sense to capitalise on any 60th birthday coverage.
e-mails: I don’t know if you’re aware of this one, but Eno’s
appearance at last year’s Pop!Tech conference can be downloaded from here...
- Pop!Cast (Quicktime video)
- Pop!Tech page (embedded Flash video and MP3 download)
Le Grice's Berlin Horse, which has what's believed to be Brian's earliest
recorded/released music as its soundtrack -- a tape-loop phasing piece -- is
galloping on YouTube. (Thanks to John Emr & Radiocitizen).
has a new podcast, in which Akira Rabelais chats with Harold Budd.
forgot, Leo Abrahams says: I have a new EP available to download from
Just Music. It's the soundtrack to a US documentary about the author Simon Winchester
and features 7 Ry Cooder-ish, Marc Ribot-ish, acousticy accordiony instrumentals.
Stop by and have a listen at the link below.
Cook writes: I've enjoyed your site for several years now, and found an
Eno interview you might want to add. It was the cover story from an electronic
music magazine called Synapse in 1979. The Eno interview (by Kurt Loder,
presumably of later MTV fame?) is quite long. Here's the link (the magazine
has been scanned into navigable .jpg files).
Eno's Myspace page has a coupla unreleased tracks on it at the moment, "That
Summer" & "Guitar Solo 2".
Big Chill's 2007 leaflet has a picture of Brian's 77 Million contribution
to the Art Trail from last year. Its web-site has some other pics.
Over on
Nerve Net, Bernd has some information on Roxy remixes and archive Roxy
Music footage from Roxyrama:
Dunnill e-mails: Found this "design an action figure" challenge
on b3ta.com. Don't know what to say really, one for the completists. EnoWeb
adds: There is much that is tasteless and NSFW elsewhere on the site; we
advise caution.
As Saturday
28th was such a nice sunny day, we sent Mustard The Tortoise to London to check
out Brian's contribution to the Secret Public exhibition at the ICA. He's just
finished typing up his (somewhat rambling) report on his manual typewriter:
"Whiled away the train journey reading American Turtles by Raith Tenement, which carries a lot of truth in the interludes between the gothic and fantastical story.
These are the stories the tortoises tell, of how Monkey played a trick on Tortoise and how Tortoise got his own back. And when the tortoises speak of monkeys, it is not clear whether they mean the monkeys of the forest, or the humans who came afterward, or even if they notice a difference.
Right on there, brother. Anyway, I remember London when it was all oceans and volcanoes but it's a bit more built up these days. Some of those paving slabs can play havoc with the old plastron and those steps at the end of Lower Regent Street take a bit of negotiating. Inside the ICA I handed over my 3 quid and was told there was a lower gallery and an upper gallery. Great, more stairs.
The exhibition bills itself as "A disquieting, playful, and intensely urban exhibition examining the dark flowering of creativity in the UK between 1978 and 1988." Give me a nice bright tasty dandelion rather than a dark flowering any day. Downstairs, I scooted around the floor looking for the Brian Eno exhibit and eventually I spotted a small sign on the wall saying On Land. It seems the Eno component of the show was just one of his albums playing... or at least it would have been if it hadn't been rendered entirely ambient by the fact that there was no sound to be heard at all. Either the ICA's CD player was broken or they couldn't be bothered to switch it on. So I wandered around a bit more. I quite liked the clinical hard bed with a television suspended above it showing a Margaret Thatcher Party Political Broadcast but the video of nude performance artists left this particular reptile cold. I then hauled myself upstairs to the other gallery where there was a film of some bloke wearing a dalmatian costume and red lipstick falling artistically onto some furniture, and a room with several "found objects", a glitterball, oxygen-starved goldfish and early Roxy Music blaring out.
I was surprised that there didn't appear to be much attempt to set these artworks in context with other aspects of the culture over the decade: cold war, Falklands war, other musics, television programmes, books, comedy, science, medicine... it ended up feeling very insular rather than 'secret'.
Favourite bit: getting back home."
He doesn't sound very impressed, does he? The Secret Public, complete with On Land which may or may not be working (idea -- take a recording of your own copy of the album!), runs until 6th May.
Mustard adds that every visitor was given an exclusive heritage keepsake -- a four-sheet set of photocopied pages. Here is the bit about Brian's exhibit:
Our previous update was on 17th April when we reported:
Roedelius has recorded a session for RTÉ 2FM's Dan Hegarty programme
that includes a rendition of "By This River" performed by Gavin Friday
(1 degree of separation: praised by Brian in his Diary). It's on the air on
Monday 23rd April. As the programme is broadcast from 12 midnight to 2am ROI
time, that puts it into the small hours of Tuesday. They have live streaming.
of Myspace, we see from Punkt's page that they have been working on a remix
of a J Peter Schwalm/Eno track from Musikain (which we guess makes
it "No Orders").
of Brian's Diary, Daniel Land e-mails: Not good news re The Appendices,
I'm afraid. I've just had an email from Canongate saying it "has fallen
off the schedule" and "certainly won’t be published this year"...
they "don’t have a date at the moment."
of Brian and J Peter Schwalm and Punkt, we missed the fact that BE and JPS created
a track for the "Wagner Remix Project" at the Punkt Festival last
year: "Blue, Brown, Green", composed from the music of Tristan
and Isolde. Apparently it was broadcast on Radio 3's Late Junction
on March 8th.
of RTÉ, in 2004 Dave Fanning did a feature on Brian for the station.
of things we missed, Bernd Kretzschmar points out on the Nerve Net
mailing list that there was another 77 Million Painting installation in March,
at the FNAC department store in Barcelona.
of broadcasts with Brian and Myspace and March, Echoes did a feature to celebrate
Jon Hassell's recent 70th birthday which included soundbites from Brian and
others. It's available on Echoes' Myspace site.
Our previous update was on 4th April when we reported:
Mills writes: Leo Abrahams' Discography mentions all his collaborations
with Brian Eno. One of the recent entries is a piece called Sombrero.
This is a ballet by Philippe Decouflé for which Sebastien Libolt and
Brian wrote the music. "In Sombrero, Decouflé explores
light and shadow, taking the heat of the sun as his central theme. Using both
classic theatricality and video trickery, Decouflé creates captivating
images." It's at Sadlers Wells -- Previews from 4 July 2007, Opening night
5 July 2007, Closing 8 July 2007. Times: Wed-Sat 19:30, Sun 17:00. Ballet Rambert
also peforms Pond Way at end of May, same venue.
- Sombrero at Sadlers Wells -- see and hear some of it with embedded video
- Leo Abrahams
e-mail from Amazon informs us: 'We are sorry to report that the following
items have been delayed. Brian Eno "A Year with Swollen Appendices"
[Paperback]'. The book, a re-publication with additional commentary by Brian,
had been due for release on 5th April this year after being postponed twice
from January and then November 2006. To tide us all over, EnoWeb has an exclusive
extract that for some reason will not be included in the final release, whenever
that might be.
e-mails with some additional info about the Naples showing of 77 Million
Paintings: 77 Million Paintings will be exhibited on May 26 and 27 at Castel
Sant'Elmo and Grotto di Seiano, Naples, Italy. To open the event, Brian Eno
is to give a press conference at 10AM on May 26 within the environs of the castle.
The installation will be open to the public at noon of the same day. Furthermore,
Eno is also scheduled to perform a series of readings on both evenings. Also
on the programme is the presentation of J. Peter Schwalm's new album and Hector
Zazou's Quadri [+] Chromies (on which Eno appeared as a guest contributor).
Entry to 77 Million Paintings will be free. Further information is
available at the following URL if you can read Italian.
Poché e-mails: Robyn Hitchcock mentions Eno.
Gramm says: I realize "fan portrait" doesn't really qualify as
news or feedback, but the attachment is a drawing of a younger Eno I made recently,
pretty close to actual size in color pencil.
David Whittaker
writes: There was an article in the Guardian about Nico with a brief
mention of Brian.
believe that Eno may have adopted the St Jean Baptiste de la Salle tag at his
(Catholic) confirmation ceremony to honour his Alma Mater. By the way it's the
De La Salle Brotherhood (not Brothers). Yours Pedantically, PN Ance."
Morris, Jared James and Julius Alexander e-mail: World Wide Lootery agent.
EnoWeb responds: At last! Honest spammers!
Our previous update was on 9th March when we reported:
Evans e-mails: BBC Radio 4's Today programme has an interview
with Brian and Damon Albarn about nuclear disarmament - I heard clips from "Bone
Bomb" and "How many Worlds" in the background.
This was coverage of a musical piece by Damon Albarn with bells by Brian, "5 Minutes to Midnight", performed on the evening of 8th March. The event is part of a protest about plans to beef up Britain's independent nuclear weapon system. Greenpeace had planned to webcast the performance live but had technical difficulties. However it plans to make a recording available for a short time.
heard the piece online, EnoWeb couldn't detect Brian's contribution but we reckon
we did spot him with his back to the camera (25:21 if you're bored and you'd
like to check).
UPDATE: David writes: I went along to the event on the Thames tonight. From my position on the bank, I couldn't see who was doing what on the ship, but the piece started about 7.00 with a choir (sounded a bit like Music For Airports), and then adding a narrative about the post-war history of nuclear confrontation. Serious theme but the way the story shifted from voice to voice sounded a bit like the comedy act The Men Who Know...
- Today (RealAudio)
- Greenpeace "5 Minutes to Midnight" page
- Greenpeace home page
- Independent article with quotes from Brian
Our previous update was on 6th March when we reported:
Bryan Ferry
appeared on BBC2's Culture Show on Saturday 3rd March to perform a
track from his album Dylanesque (released 5th March; Brian provides
"sonic enhancements" on the track "If Not For You".) In
an interview afterwards, presenter Lauren Laverne took the opportunity to quiz
him about Roxy Music:
Lauren Laverne: Speaking of Roxy, I'm very excited about the next Roxy
Music album.
Bryan Ferry: Oh yeah?
LL: What's the latest, because it might be quite a while?
BF: Well it's very early days -- we started -- I mean, it's not very
good when you have pressure on a project, but there was a lot of expectation
when we started touring again: in 2001 we did this reunion Roxy tour, and that
was a great vibe, that was a great success for everybody I think, we enjoyed
it and the audience did too, cuz we hadn't played together for God knows how
many years. Then we thought, well, maybe we'll go into the studio and try some
stuff. And it was going very well, but after a couple of months I realised it
was going to be quite a long project and I wanted to get something out of my
own before --
LL: So why is that, is that Brian and his soundscapes and all that?
BF: Not really, he's incredibly quick. It's me with writing the words
that's the slow part.
LL: Do you find songwriting a challenging process sometimes?
BF: You can say that again!
LL: Yeah?
BF: Yeah, yeah, it is... I don't write as much as I used to when I
first started. And yet I seem to be busier than ever, I do a lot of live work.
LL: So maybe we'll look forward to Roxy maybe 2009, something like
BF: Yeah, I hope so, yeah.
LL: Okay, I've got my fingers crossed.
An article in Scotland on Sunday reckons it might be 2008 though.
d'Agnese says: Brian Eno will be in Naples, Italy, on 26th and 27th May
for the Neapolitan version of the 77 Million Paintings installation
at Castel Sant'Elmo. The exhibit will be called 77 Million Paintings for
Naples by Brian Eno. Entrance will be free. The event is part of the 2007
May of the Monuments cultural and tourist programme in Naples. The
exhibit is curated by Paolo Uva for the "Angeli Musicanti" festival.
The official
U2 site provides Q's full interview with Brian about working with the
Guardian Online has a review of 77 Million Paintings at The Baltic.
(Thanks to David Whittaker and Stephen Miller.)
Whittaker adds: In Visconti's autobiography there's a unique photo of
a topless Brian performing on 'treated' piano during Bowie’s Lodger
Neil Gaiman's
1996 BBC series Neverwhere, which features music by Brian, will finally
see a DVD release in the UK on 23rd April. It has been out in the US and Australia
for a while.
Nelson writes: Just to update you about Brian's installation which is now
working in Selfridges and before was closed... I went to see it yesterday...
When you enter the Ultra Lounge in Selfridges lower ground floor, through a
curtain, it takes a while for your eyes to get used to the darkness. Then you
notice some sofas and chairs facing a wall about ten metres away, much like
a small cinema. On this wall are arranged half a dozen clusters of monitors
each slowly changing in design and colour. I sat directly opposite the installation
and it is a very hypnotic effect, especially with the surround sound music.
You feel like you are in a futuristic temple and the installation is like a
shrine, calming and serene. I closed my eyes and opened them several times to
a different configuration and imagined one could be on a five year space mission
or something in the year 2100, and this is the chillout facility! That's a bit
nerdy but I liked it... well done Brian.. it's in fact brilliant!
Tom Boon adds: The tricky part is locating the Ultralounge. Selfridges'
lower ground floor is a real rabbit-warren, where the rabbits have taken to
retail in a big way and let their burrows out to as many sales concessions and
franchises as they can get their furry paws on.
After much wandering I finally found myself in front of some black curtains. I stepped through to find myself in the dark, with the 77 Million Paintings soundtrack playing but no screens... it became apparent that I was on the wrong side of the installation, a potent metaphor for the human condition that obliquely juxtaposes our wilful Weltanschauung with the Straßenbahnhaltestelle of expectation. There was no man behind the curtain to pay no attention to, so I scrabbled back into the shop and set off once again.
Several twists and turns later I located the entrance to the Ultralounge, complete with a wordprocessed sign saying the installation was by "Brain Eno". This was the place. Once through a smaller black curtain, I went and sat on a hard wooden bench, moving to the sofa at the front of the room when some seats became free (the best location). I've run the program on PC several times but it's quite a different experience to see the piece in an installation context: the size of the monitors creates a very impressive sense of presence and the multiple monitor set-up reveals new combinations of patterns. Mind you, during my visit about 76,999,995 of the paintings appeared to include the hands-over-breasts image. In one striking painting, this was superimposed over the negative zebra crossing in what appeared to be stark white sunlight.
There was a constant flow of people -- some staying, others fleeing within a few seconds.The music blended with the clink of crockery from the café opposite and there were occasional sharp glitches from the sound system. Paintings embraced and absorbed themselves. I thought I'd been there for about 20 minutes; it turned out to be three quarters of an hour.
Luminous, the Selfridges installation, closes on 11th March. It's free! Catch it if you get the chance.
Shakeshaft e-mails: Hi, Just been looking at Enoweb, fascinating. I like
his full name which includes Jean Baptiste de la Salle. You are probably aware of this, but
he went to School at St Peters, Southbourne near Bournemouth. At the time it
was a private fee paying, Roman Catholic day/boarding school for boys run by
the De La Salle Brothers, a teaching order set-up by St Jean Baptiste de la
Salle. What a coincidence!! Although the order has continued involvement with
the school, it is now a mixed, state secondary school. Vague recollections of
Brian and a few others playing repetitious chords in the back room of the school
hall .... I think some insults about learning to play and not much future in
it were thrown through the window before beating a hasty retreat (he and his
mates were bigger and older than me). Think I may have got this slightly wrong,
but what the hell, I get most things wrong anyway!!
EnoWeb chips in: Maybe the World Of Rock has been labouring under a misconception all these years and Brian's name is not St John le Baptiste after all...
The fifth
auctions for Nokia 8800 Sirocco phones signed by Brian raised US $1,025.01 [silver]
and $5,100.00 [black, someone must really have wanted that one] for the Keiskamma
Aids Treatment programme and The World Land Trust. Another two auctions (the
last?) are now under way.
J. Hemstitch e-mails: #1 Penis Enlargement Solution in the World.
EnoWeb: Thank you very much for sharing that insight, Pentateuch. Just
remind us of the message title of your e-mail, would you?
Pentateuch J. Hemstitch: A Trick of The Light.
EnoWeb: You know, that probably works for some people...
Our previous update was on 24th February when we reported:
& Guardian Online has a feature by Nadine Botha on Brian's 77 Million
Paintings installation in Cape Town.
Some of
Brian's art will be included in a new exhibition, The Secret Public - The
Last Days of the British Underground 1978-1988, at London's ICA from 23rd
March to 6th May 2007. Perhaps they'll re-stage the complete rainforest
installation from the Barbican, that'd be nice, but you're right, it'll probably
be something from Mistaken Memories.
Miller writes: The Times Online's podcast, The Knowledge with
Danny Robins, includes an interview with Tony Visconti about halfway in.
There is a tiny, tiny bit about Bowie/Eno/Low.
- The Knowledge (MP3 - right-click [PC] or Ctrl-click [Mac] to download)
was sorry to hear that BBC Radio 3's Controller has cancelled the long-running
series Mixing It. Presenters Mark Russell and Robert Sandall championed
all kinds of new and experimental music, and regularly featured insightful interviews
with Brian over the years. However, the BBC's loss is London station Resonance
FM's gain as the programme appears to be phoenixing there soon.
- Mixing It's final programme (RealAudio)
- Mark Russell explains what happened
- A good summary of what the programme stood for
- Mark on the move to Resonance FM
- Resonance FM (Wednesdays, 11pm GMT -- possibility of a podcast sometime in the future)
Our previous update was on 19th February when we reported...
has a list of the tracks Brian chose for his World Music playlist that made
it onto its CD. Their podcast includes a track from Rachid Taha that didn't
get included on the CD. The print version of the magazine includes Brian's reasons
for choosing those tracks plus a competition where you can win 77 Million
Paintings after perusing the Hannibal Records catalogue on the CD.
- Songlines magazine
- Songlines podcast (iTunes link)
an Eno wall-poster recently we came across a 2006 review of the Astralwerks
reissues, 14 Video Paintings & Another Day On Earth by
Jeffrey Morgan for Creem magazine.
Joly says: Tony Visconti is taking Q&A at the Steve Hoffman Music Forums
and he talks briefly about Brian Eno.
Walsh e-mails: In March’s Q magazine there is an interview
with Eno as part of their The Complete U2 feature. Tom Doyle extracts
from him that:
There are also quotes from Eno on the piece on The Unforgettable Fire, which I think come from U2 by U2.
Lewis writes: Just to let you know that Wired has a review of 77 Million
Paintings. It's not much of a review ("a lot of art for 40 bucks"),
but the pictures are pretty & quite big.
The fourth
auctions for Nokia 8800 Sirocco phones signed by Brian raised US $859.00 [silver]
and $1,625.00 [black] for the Keiskamma Aids Treatment programme and The World
Land Trust. Another two auctions are now under way.
Our previous update was on 12th February when we reported...
Over at
the BBC, Collective has a coupla RealVideo interviews with Brian. He
talks about 77 Million Paintings and what evangelical atheism hasn't
grappled with yet.
Week's Phil Muncaster has a review of Luminous.
A little
more information about Brian in Cape Town: 77 Million Paintings will
run from 19–28 February at the Michaelis Gallery, 31-37 Orange Street,
Gardens, and he will be a key speaker at the 10th Design Indaba Conference on
Friday 23rd February from 15:15-16:05 (hardly enough time for him to get into
his stride, really).
e-mails: Samadhisound has just released a beautiful live recording by Harold
Budd, performed as a tribute to his late friend (and associate teacher at the
then newly formed California Institute of Arts), Jim Tenney. The album, entitled
Perhaps, was recorded live at CalArts in December 06, runs at an uninterrupted
70mins, and is available exclusively as a digital download from Samadhisound
now. You can hear a taster track, "Atl Atl", online at our Myspace
site. EnoWeb adds: there are 13 MP3s and as it's a live performance
be aware that there is some rustling (papers, not cattle).
- Samadhisound
- Samadhisound at Myspace [If Myspace has routing problems and can't find the page, search for Samadhisound and then click the appropriate link]
The third
auction for a black Nokia 8800 Sirocco phone signed by Brian raised US $1,533.88
for the Keiskamma Aids Treatment programme and The World Land Trust. Another
two auctions are now under way.
Our previous update was on 9th February when we reported...
BBC 6Music's
The Music Week on 4th February had a short interview with Brian. The
Coldplay aspects of the interview were then recycled on Ken Bruce's Radio 2
programme on 8th February. (Thanks to Kevin Dunnill).
- The Music Week (RealAudio link available until 11th Feb) - Brian appears at the start [Coldplay] and then 27 minutes in [77 Million Paintings]
- Ken Bruce (RealAudio link available until 15th Feb) - Brian appears around 1 hour 37 minutes in
e-mails: Each issue of the world music magazine, Songlines, comes
with a compilation CD put together by a guest editor. For the next issue (March-April
'07), the CD will be compiled by Brian Eno.
As The
Familiar is re-released in the US, US radio show Echoes is re-releasing
its 1993 interview with Roger Eno and Kate St John on Tuesday 13th February
& Sunday 18th February.
writes: I will say
this right up front. My intentions are self serving. At least to serve my company.
We [FORA.tv] are a broadband video start-up that features public forums. We
have a killer program that I know you and your visitors would be interested
in viewing. It is Brian and Will Wright speaking at a Long Now Foundation event
complete with great far out game footage.
EnoWeb responds: EnoWeb featured your video stream on our news page
on 20th January. We would of course not have done so had we known that it was,
in your words, "a killer". Presumably this is some kind of "Ring"-related
technology your start-up is working on? We value our site visitors and to find
out now that we have inadvertently sent so many of them to their deaths is going
to be very difficult to get over.
Bob answers: Thank
you. One of my "viral" marketing interns must have been communicating
with you. I hope he/she did not pass on anything too deadly :).
Our previous update was on 7th February when we reported...
In the
unlikely event that you don't have the Byrne-Eno track "Regiment",
ArtistDirect is giving it away.
Nelson sends this word of warning:
I came up from Brighton to London to see our Brian's installation at Selfridges last Monday (5th) and it was closed due to a power failure. Oh well. Just a word of warning for others to check with the store before any long trips to go and see it. The assistant said that it had been off all weekend, and that on top of it being almost impossible to find - it's near the Muji franchise on the lower ground floor. It may be working now, apparently the sound was cutting in and out....
- Computerlove has a pic from a more functional day
Our previous update was on 6th February when we reported...
Walsh writes:
I was in the West End lunchtime today and so I popped in to see the Luminous installation in Selfridges. For those who have not yet been a word of warning it can be hard to find as neither the installation nor the Ultralounge is marked on the store guide. It is on the Lower Ground Floor of Selfridges opposite the café.
Hanging outside the installation were four different framed prints from 77 Million Paintings each signed and numbered by Eno (Edition 1/1). At first I thought that they were part of the exhibition however it turns out that Selfridges are selling them at £250 each. Speaking to the sales assistant they were originally given a batch of 20 prints to sell and these sold out this weekend. One lady bought 5 copies - that's my kind of woman! They received some more this morning but she did not know how many or if they would be getting more.
Eno must be getting better at marketing - 77 million one off prints at £250 a pop is over £19 billion - that ought to take care of the school fees.
For those who are unwilling to part with £250 they also have programmes (limited edition of 770 copies) which were selling for £7.50.
I've just checked on the Baltic website and they are also selling the prints.
Over at
Nerve Net, Bernd Kretschmar points out a German newpaper interview with Bryan
Brian got
mentioned in The Sun newspaper in connection with the Coldplay story.
Now there's something we never thought we'd see.
- Your Super Soaraway Sun - Chris Martin remains tight-lipped
Miller spotted James Flint's review of 77 Million Paintings at
the Baltic in the Daily Telegraph. Yup, same guy who gave his opinion
on Night Waves. Maybe he's the only critic to make it as far north
as Gateshead?
The second
two auctions for Nokia 8800 Sirocco phones signed by Brian raised funds of $1,375
[Black] and $1,525 [Silver] for the Keiskamma Aids Treatment programme and The
World Land Trust. Another auction is now under way.
Eden e-mails: Laraaji's website is now up and running, giving details of
his itinerary of workshops and concerts (mostly in USA). Also included is extensive
list of his recorded output and how to purchase CD-Rs of otherwise unavailable
Our previous update was on 1st February when we reported...
The Night
Waves review of Brian's 77 Million Paintings installation at the
Baltic has now aired. You can hear it via Listen Again until 7th February. James
Flint, the reviewer, reckons it's "nice", a little more positive than
critic Andrew Graham-Dixon on BBC2's The Culture Show on Saturday 27th
who didn't like it (despite the fact that he hadn't actually seen it).
- Night Waves (review starts just past the 19 minute mark) (Thanks to Stephen Miller)
Kretschmar turned up this write-up of a seminar given by Brian earlier
in January while he was hovering around in Germany. That's hovering, not Hoovering,
though that might be amusing to see too.
Munyum over at the Nerve Net mailing list attended the San Francisco Tape
Music Festival.
Mills says that Leo Abrahams is finalising the deal for an album due out
in the Summer "which features guest vocals from Brian Eno, Ed Harcourt,
KT Tunstall, Foy Vance, Merz and more".
If you
don't have "The Prophecy Theme" from Dune by Brian &
Roger Eno and Daniel Lanois in your collection, you can find it on iTunes filed
under Toto. Wonder if that means Toto gets the royalties?
of Daniel Lanois, he has an unreleased track on his site, "I Like That".
- Daniel Lanois music page (plays automatically)
Our previous update was on 26th January when we reported...
The Front
Row interview with Brian was broadcast on 26th January. It'll be available
via Listen Again until 2nd February. Brian discusses 77 Million Paintings,
production and the musical climate, and reveals that he is currently producing
Coldplay's new album.
- Front Row (RealAudio link -- the feature starts about 5½ minutes in)
Norman-Taylor from All Saints Records/Lumen sent this flyer for the Luminous
77MP installation at Selfridges.
- Luminous
- Selfridges invites visitors to "Watch all 77 million possibilities" -- will anybody hold them to this, EnoWeb wonders? "You can't make me leave yet, I haven't seen them all." "But Sir, it's 2097 and London's been flooded for fifteen years." "I thought that was just a nifty ambient video effect. Do you have these gills in blue?"
Miller writes: The current issue of Filter magazine has a piece
on Eno.
Visconti has written an autobiography.
Our previous update was on 25th January when we reported...
On Wednesday
31st January 2007, BBC Radio 3 programme Night Waves will be taking
a look at 77 Million Paintings at the Baltic. Time is 21:30-22:15 GMT,
and thereafter for a week via Listen Again. (Thanks to Rory Walsh).
artist news: James has reformed and there's an interview with Michael Brook.
The first
two auctions for Nokia 8800 Sirocco phones signed by Brian raised funds of $3,550
[Black] and $1,150.00 [Silver] for the Keiskamma Aids Treatment programme and
The World Land Trust. Two more auctions are now under way.
Our previous update was on 23rd January when we reported...
Smith writes: Eclectic Discs has re-released two Robert Calvert albums
that include Brian in the line-up, Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters
and Lucky Leif and the Longships. Both are fully remastered with bonus
tracks and repackaging.
- Eclectic Discs
- Captain Lockheed [bonus tracks are "The Right Stuff (full version)", "Ejection (single version)" and "Catch a Falling Starfighter (single version)"]
- Lucky Leif, produced by Brian when he was working on Another Green World [bonus tracks are "Howzat!" and "Cricket Lovely Reggae (Cricket Star)"]
Orion Publishing
and Amazon are listing a release date of (21st) June 2007 for On Some Faraway
Beach, David Sheppard's biography of Brian, "written with Brian Eno's
total co-operation and access to all those who have worked with him." Amazon
reckons that's all been squeezed into 304 pages while Orion says it's 288.
- Amazon
- Orion's guide: PDF or Google's HTML version - see page 73
- Orion's site (nothing here yet)
Our previous update was on 22nd January when we reported...
A new piece
of music by Brian called "Golden" will be premiered at the San Francisco
Tape Music Festival on Saturday 27th January. The show starts at 8pm and can
be found at the ODC Theater, 3153 17th St (@ Shotwell), San Francisco.
(Thanks to Trond Lossius on the Nerve Net mailing list).
Kevin Kelly
has a review of 77 Million Paintings.
A musician
has a jam with Brian.
a press release about Belinda Carlisle's Voila release.
Our previous update was on 20th January when we reported...
Brian will
be interviewed on Front Row, BBC Radio 4, 19:15-19:45 GMT, sometime
between 22nd-26th January. So that's 26th or nothing. Afterwards available on
"Listen Again" for a week.
Would you
like some handy address details for the two 77 Million Paintings installations?
27th January to 11th March -- Luminous: The Ultralounge, Lower Ground Floor, Selfridges, 400 Oxford Street, London W1.
31st January to 15th April -- Constellations: The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead Quay, South Shore Road, Gateshead. This is the first time these digital light paintings, which are accompanied by a randomly assembled ambient music track, have been exhibited in a contemporary UK art gallery. The constantly evolving paintings will be shown on a group of screens installed throughout the Level 4 gallery space.
Brian says: "We are used to artists producing defined and finished things; what's interesting about this kind of generative work is that I can't possibly predict the outcome of 77 Million Paintings. The 77 million permutations of the work create unique moments for each viewer and provides a different experience every time."
Here are
a couple of trailers for Scott Walker - 30th Century Man, to which
Brian contributes.
Poché e-mails: Brian gave a talk called Before and after Darwin
in Berlin on 11th January.
- We make money not art blog -- look, he's smiling!
Long Now chat between Brian and Will Wright is available as an online video
at FORA.tv. There was also the facility to download it but that appears to have
been removed.
- Playing With Time (Click on the pic of Brian and Will at the site)
less authorised...
- 77 Million Paintings in Venice
- Pond Way (thanks to Bob Pearce)
Looks as
though Felice Limosani created a longer video for the Nokia 8800 Sirocco Edition:
Brian contributes"sonic
enhancements" on the track "If Not For You" for Bryan Ferry's
new album, Dylanesque. (Thanks to Gary Scott, Sebastian Böcking
& Radiocitizen).
Brussels With Love will be re-released on CD in February -- it includes
an extract from an interview with Brian plus other 1980s fun including Thomas
Dolby's "Airwaves".
In other
so-called news, Brian was name-checked twice on a radio episode of Doctor
Who, The Horror of Glam Rock on 14th January, and the first set
of charity auctions for the Nokia phones had to be cancelled for "technical
reasons" (they're back up and running now though).
Our previous update was on 7th January when we reported...
to Tony Ballinger for this story. Nokia and Brian have announced a charity
auction to benefit two of Brian’s favourite organisations – the
Keiskamma Aids Treatment programme and The World Land Trust. Ten Nokia 8800
Sirocco Brian Eno Signature Edition mobile phones will go under the hammer,
each one numbered and engraved with Brian’s signature. The online auction
runs from 8th January to 12th Febuary 2007, with all proceeds going directly
to both charities. A certificate of authenticity will also accompany each auctioned
Describing Brian as "a tireless supporter of charitable causes", the press release says that he "hand-picked the two charities involved in the auction. Since its inception in 2001 as an art programme to benefit one of South Africa’s most impoverished districts, the Keiskamma AIDS Treatment program provides both HIV education and anti-retroviral drug therapy to the residents of the district at the mouth of the Keiskamma River in South Africa. The World Land Trust, a well-regarded UK-based conservation project, has helped buy and preserve more than 300,000 acres of ecologically-rich habitats from South America to the Philippines."
Brian says: "I would like to thank the people who bid for these phones for helping towards solutions to two of the biggest problems facing the world: climate change and Aids. The World Land Trust seeks to address long-term environmental change by planting trees and caring for the land. The Keiskamma Trust is a great example of an intelligent local response to a global problem, helping people with AIDS to manage their condition and live useful and productive lives."
"We are truly delighted to work closely with Brian, who composed the soundtrack to the Nokia 8800 Sirocco, to raise funds in support of his chosen charities," says Heikki Norta, Senior Vice President, Lifestyle Products, for Nokia. "In addition to supporting these two very worthwhile causes, each successful bidder will own an exceptionally unique mobile phone, each individually numbered and signed by the composer himself."
"To place a bid on one of these rare collector’s items or to learn more about this joint charity project between Nokia and Brian Eno, please visit the link below." You'll hear Brian's Sirocco theme and see the Flash video in better sound quality than on Nokia's own site, too. An unintended aspect of the site is that if you load it twice in separate browser windows you can get your own loop-based generative piece going.
an Eno fan, you'll also pick up on another exciting development: Brian's surname
is getting shorter, if this extract from the on-site text is to be believed.
We blame climate change for this erosion of one of Brian's most famous assets,
and we're concerned that if this trend continues we will have to change our
name to Oweb by 2008.
Scott e-mails: Just in case you haven't got the link to Eno at the Baltic...
Shock news.
After last year's gloomy prognostications, Brian contributes to an Edge
feature about optimism. (Thanks to Richard Joly)
Steenstra says: I just came across your website. Three years ago, I published
a book on the work of David Byrne (Talking Heads and so forth), in which, of
course, Brian Eno is discussed repeatedly. Its title is We Are The Noise
Between Stations.
Mead writes: I am just listening to an interview with the writer Alan Moore
(V for Vendetta, Watchmen [EnoWeb adds: And early Doctor
Who Weekly strips, of course]) and he mentions that he uses Brian’s
Oblique Strategies cards. The podcast can be heard for free through iTunes.
Mikkola says: greetings from Finland, there is an interesting project called
Dreamlines online. I think there is an interesting connotation with 77 Million
Paintings. There is the same kind of generative idea.
So what's
Brian up to during 2007? We don't know yet, apart from the following info from
last year. He'll be exhibiting 77 Million Paintings installations at
two venues in the UK: "Luminous" at Selfridges Ultralounge, Oxford
Street, London from January 27th for six weeks, and "Constellations"
at The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Arts, Gateshead (Newcastle) from 31st
January for three months. Entrance is free for both shows. Also in February
he'll be appearing at the 10th Design Indaba Conference at the Cape Town International
Convention Centre. March sees 77 Million Paintings at the Gulf Art
Fair in Dubai. Book-wise A Year (With Swollen Appendices) should see
its re-release on 5th April, and The Margin diary should hit the bookshelves
on 6th September. At some stage the ICA discussion between Brian and Steven
Johnson should be available as a download.
ENOWORLD. Wunce Weekly World Eno, this site sees out its retirement quietly in a backwater of the Web, much like its creator Malcolm.
The Nerve Net e-mail newsletter. Subscribe to this, and you'll get all the news and views from Eno enthusiasts across the globe, delivered free to your e-mail inbox. Operated by Alex Rubli, Nerve Net is a lot more focused than the alt.music.brian-eno newsgroup and you don't have to put up with any spam. Subscribe today!
iMusic has a Brian Eno Bulletin Board, though since they changed its layout usage seems to have plummetted somewhat.
The alt.music.brian-eno newsgroup. You can subscribe using many e-mail / newsreader packages, or visit from web-sites like groups.google.com.