Use the "save file as" option by right-clicking on the images
to save the MP3 files to disc.
A note on the mixing itself: No matter how much I'd like it to be
perfect mixing, it is NOT... Some errors are more clear than others. People
who are inexperienced will probably hear none, people with a lot of experience
will hear errors, maybe even errors that I myself haven't heard yet. But hey,
no-one is perfect, and anyway, these samples are for learning and practice, so:
try to find the errors!
The Examples:
Example 1 (0:00:43)
The Hit the Start/Stop button trick.

Simple and effective: This is what happens when you hit the Start/Stop
button. To enhance the effect, re-open the channel of the record you are
going to finish to 100% exactly when you hit the Start/Stop button. Right
after that, close it and get the next record.
The records you hear in this transition:
- Underworld - Dark & Long (Dark Train mix)
Written and produced by Smith, Hyde & Emerson
(C) 1994 Junior Recordings Ltd.
- The Age of Love - The Age of Love (Watch Out for Stella Clubmix)
Written by B. Sanchioni & G. Cherchia
produced by Roger Samyn
(C) 1992 ZYX Music GmbH
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Example 2 (0:02:02)
The "normal" transition
...As far as there is a standard transition... Record 1 is starting a
Break while at that moment Record 2 is already gently being fed in.
The bassline of record 2 is released and in the background you can hear
record 1 disappear.
The records you hear in this transition:
- Chemical Brothers - Studio K
Written by Rowlands & Simons
Produced by The Chemical Brothers
(C) 1999 Virgin Records Ltd.
- Salt Tank - Dimension
Written and Produced by Salt Tank
(C) 1999 Hooj Choons Ltd. (Licenced from 4 Real Communications)
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Example 3 (0:02:02)
The ambient transition
Can you mix beat-less parts ?? Yes, if your timing is good enough. Here
you hear the intro of "Paraglide" (piano and strings) being mixed into the
exit of record 1, which gets faded out gradually.
The records you hear in this transition:
- DJ Jeffrey & DJ de-Leit - Yara
Written and produced by DJ Jeffrey & DJ De-Leit
(C) 1999 Waves Records (a division of Rhythm Import The Hague)
- Paragliders - Paraglide (Humate remix)
Written by Oliver Lieb & Torsten Stenzel
Production and remix by Humate
(C) 1994 Superstition Records GmbH
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Example 4 (0:02:05)
The flip-beats-and-tease transition
This is "flipping the bassline" or "holding back the bassline" for 1 or
2 beats, followed by some sample teasing: "Feel the Magic". After that the
transition is gradual.
The records you hear in this transition:
- Chicane - Saltwater
Written by Nick Bracegirlde, Ray "Madman" Hedges & Clannad
Produced by Chicane and Ray "Madman" Hedges
(C) 1999 Xtravaganza Recordings Ltd.
- Jens - '99 Psycho Strings (Bervoets & de Goeij Remix)
Written by Jens Mahlstedt and Gerret Frerichs
Produced and mixed by Piet Bervoets & Benno de Goeij
(C) 1999 Arcade Music Company BV (licenced from Superstition Records GmbG)
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Example 5 (0:02:20)
The tease and share bass-line transition
On its own, record 1 is one of the best examples of a break,
build-up and climax there is. Right through it, unfortunately
not timed at all, you can hear the tease samples of Record 2. Right at the
climax Record 2 is restarted (with a closed channel) and the teasing
starts again. Later on the bassline of record 1 is killed and that of record
2 slightly boosted.
The records you hear in this transition:
- Tony De Vit - The Dawn
From: Trade EP disc 2
Written by Tony De Vit & Paul Janes
Produced by Tony De Vit
(C) 1998 Tidy Trax
- BT - Godspeed
Written and produced by Brian Transeau
(C) 1998 ??? (promo copy)
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Example 6 (0:02:37)
The Split Stereo transition
Ok, granted, this trick is very rare... Just think of this as a
challenging excercise. Record 2 is panned fully to the right and while the
channel is being opened, record 1 is gradually panned to the left. At one
point the channels swap sides. This example is best listened to with a
The records you hear in this transition:
- System 7 - Bladerunner end title
Written by Vangelis
Produced by System 7
(C) 1998 Sabam
- Underworld - Dark & Long (Dark Train mix)
Written and produced by Smith, Hyde & Emerson
(C) 1994 Junior Recordings Ltd.
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Example 7 (0:02:40)
The enhance-a-break transition
During the break of record 1 you can hear separate parts of
record 2, in the form of 2 or 3 beats from a bar. Record 2 is mixed in during
the build up and gradually becomes more dominant. Note that record 2 is
still in the intro. The climax of record 1 beautifully "touches"
the build up of record 2. A perfect example of stage matching.
The records you hear in this transition:
- Underground Resistance (UR) - Jaguar
from: Knights of the jaguar EP
Produced Aztec Mystic
(C) ???
- Marmion - Schoneberg (The Tony De Vit Mix)
Written and produced by Marco Lopez & Mijk van Dijk
Additional production & remix by Tony De Vit & Simon Parkes
(C) 1996 Hooj Choons Ltd. (Licenced from Superstition Records GmbH)
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Example 8 (0:02:58)
The long gradient transition
Taking long transitions to the extreme, almost no noticable correction
required for a near 2 minute transition. The starting sounds of record 2 are
boosted into record 1, but appart from that it is a true gradient transition.
The records you hear in this transition:
- Underworld - Dark & Long (Dark Train mix)
Written and produced by Smith, Hyde & Emerson
(C) 1994 Junior Recordings Ltd.
- L.S.G - Netherworld (Jules Verne remix)
Written by Oliver Lieb
Additional production & remix by Jules Verne
(C) 199? Superstition Records GmbH
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