enoweb |
news: updated 23rd december 02009 :
Brian will
be Guest Curator for the 44th Brighton Festival (UK, 1st-23rd May 2010). Amongst
other delights, 77 Million Paintings will be playing in a deconsecrated
church, and Icebreaker will be performing Jun Lee's arrangement of Apollo.
(Thanks to Bernd Kretzschmar & Dominic Norman-Taylor).
And that's
it! Brian won't be doing anything else for the whole of 2010. No more updates
for EnoWeb!
Oh hold
on, apparently he'll be a Mentor for the 2010/2011 Rolex Mentor and Protégé
Arts Initiative. (Thanks to Radiocitizen).
talks about some tracks on No Line On The Horizon.
- "Moment of Surrender" (Thanks to Richard Mills)
- "Cedars of Lebanon" -- Virtual Eno needs to work on his lip-sync
- "Magnificent"
Also in
YouTube news:
A little
coverage of The Lovely Bones.
of which, Leo Abrahams writes about the premiere (and Pure Scenius)
in his Webdiary.
- Leo (6th December 2009 entry)
sent us a link to the full text of Brian's November Dr Pangloss column. The
first two paragraphs of the December column are now up, too.
Brian will
be covering one of Peter Gabriel's songs for a song-swap project, in
return for Peter's version of "Heroes".
Bryan Ferry
tells The Times his next album won't be a Roxy Music one. (Thanks
to Radiocitizen).
- The Times -- read it before it disappears off the Internet
Brian has
contributed samples to an iPhone/iPod Touch app called Audio Palette.
Bloom and Trope have been updated as well. (Thanks to
John Brown
Publishing's 1996 Christmas Card included songs with Brian singing.
(Thanks to Radiocitizen).
Hong Kong
musicians arrange Music For Airports.
Brian spoke
at an event honouring Annie Lennox in December. Eno and Stephen Fry
on the same bill! That brings it to no degrees of separaton between them. Previously
it was one (Brian wrote the music for Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, Stephen provided
a voice in Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean's Mirrormask).
- Look to the Stars
- Annie Lennox's blog (plays music automatically)
- Pic and another pic without Brian
Earth's top Another Green World expert has some big news. Congratulations!
Why Brian
quit Roxy Music, apparently.
a clip of the Contact Ensemble playing "Discreet Music" (thanks
to Bernd Kretzschmar.)
has a feature on Harold Budd (thanks to John Diliberto).
Whittaker talks with Robert Fripp.
heading off to his Hibernaculum for the winter, Mustard The Tortoise filed
the following report:
Anything You_Need writes: A Prescription? For What? We Require nothing
at our Pharm.
Mustard: What a fascinating coincidence! At EnoWeb we Require nothing
Allan Fowler writes: phillip.parker,$6,346 In One week, Is It Possible?...
..In My Case Yes.. Using Killer Strategy - Guaranteed!
Mustard: Should I take it that you murder people for money? I'm not
sure that's legal.
Alfred Göttfert writes: AUTOGRAMMWUNSCH
Mustard: Yes indeed. For this tortoise's money, it's one of Kraftwerk's
best songs. Who can forget Ralf Hutter singing "I have a real Autogrammwunsch
/ I keep all my signatures in a smart bunch".
Alfred Göttfert: Dear celebrity, May I kindly ask you to send
me one or two hand-signed autographs.
Mustard: What a shame, I don't have hands so I can't comply. But thank
you for thinking of me as a celebrity.
billie english writes: The fact is money is made everyday if you pick
the right horse in the race. And that horse is Biotech. It's Hot! We Swear!
Mustard: I swear too, but mainly when I get sent garbage like this.
billie english: a powerful, broad-ranging drug could easily be a $1
bill ion product!
Mustard: You said it. Using your investment tips, I can earn a one dollar bill? One dollar bull
if you ask me.
Luxury R0LEX Sports Models writes: You need a great timepiece will
look magnificient on your empty wrist.
Mustard: Not much point if wearing one of your watches makes me look
as if my wrist is empty. Rolex Mentor? Rolex Mental more like. Ooh,
don't touch me, you might burn your fingers -- I'm so hot today that I might
never hibernate!
sstefani_an writes: We 0ffer a selection of the highest quality rep1icaWatches
available today. They are inexpensive and sometimes give the impression that
you are ...
Mustard: What are you saying? Anybody who buys your watches automatically
looks cheap?
Smith writes: I am looking to place a litter of 2 adorable bulldog
puppies one is pure white and also 3 Yorkie puppies,they are weights are 1.3Lbs
at 9 weeks old & should be 3Lbs when full grown only.
Mustard: What on earth? I think I'll skip to the sign-off.
Smith: these puppies are so cute with correct conformation and excellent
dispositions with shots and worming up to date. They do the funniest things.
You just can't
Have a nice day
Mustard: That's certainly true.
Luxury R0lex SportsModels writes:
Mustard: Oh, come back for some more punishment, have you?
Luxury R0lex SportsModels: Our jewellery creates smiles worldwide.
Mustard: Why is that? Is it because it looks as if it is made from
cheap dental amalgam?
Our previous update was on 17th November when we wrote:
Brian has
become a patron of Index on Censorship. (Thanks to Radiocitizen.)
one of the more bizarre stories you'll read on EnoWeb's news page, a cartoon
Eno recently appeared in the [adult swim] series The Venture Bros.
in an episode called "The Revenge Society". A cartoon David Bowie
also featured. We should probably note that clever disguises were used to conceal
their identities: Eno was called Eon and Bowie was called The Thin
White Douche.
- [adult swim] -- USA only
early publicity, Brian played no part in the Sum event at London's
Queen Elizabeth Hall on 12th November (unless you count some quiet music before
and after the evening, and accompanying a recorded reading by Stephen Fry).
Canongate has extracts from Brian's past e-mail correspondence with David Eagleman
U2 talk
about Brian and The Unforgettable Fire.
Phill Jupitus
and Noel Fielding discuss which is best -- Eno or (British comic) The Beano?
(Thanks to Richard Mills.)
Mills also says: Once more, Roger Eno - the 50-year-old genius, the one
they call "the Musician in the Family", the one who etc etc - anyway,
Roger Eno is once again in the house band for this year's Twisted Christmas
at the Barbican Centre in olde London Towne on 15th December 2009.
discography has been updated with 2009's releases.
Our previous update was on 10th November when we wrote:
Brian will
be discussing The Future of Environmentalism with Stewart Brand at St George's,
Bristol, UK, on Monday 18th January 2010, from 6-7pm. (Thanks to Nick Perrett.)
It's all
talk, talk, talk these days. Rory Walsh writes of the Eno-Steven Johnson talk:
We began the evening’s performance with Eno exercising his right as a sexagenarian to grumble. The size of the venue was not the source of his discontentment this time; instead the level of illumination was not to his liking. As the lights were lowered he panned across the audience to check if that troublesome land-dwelling reptile had shown up again.* Relieved at the absence of any members of the Testudinidae family in the audience, Eno sat back into his chair... As you can hear: the ICA site has a recording of the event.
*Mr Eno of Woodbrige, currently residing in the parish of Oxford, is working on a new theory which stated that whenever a tortoise is in the room then technology failure is far more likely to occur than if it was not there. (Please note – no animals were harmed in the development of this theory). The failure of the Passengers album to receive any real commercial or critical success is also attributed to this phenomenon. Larry Mullen, a convert to this latest theory, is on record as saying "I still don’t know what that record was about or who wanted the tortoise there". It is rumoured that Island’s Chris Blackwell has forbidden the presence of anything larger than a terrapin on any of their future albums.
On the
topic of U2, Brian seems happy to talk a bit more about The Unforgettable
On the
topic of interviews, here's a straggler from earlier in the year. Ever wondered
what Brian has in common with a Ferrari? No, nor had EnoWeb. But find out anyway.
Also on
the topic of interviews, Arthur magazine has put online its July 2005
interview with Brian (and appreciation by Alan Moore).
Seems that
Brian's latest Dr Pangloss column is online in its entirety on the
Prospect site, if one knows where to look.
e-mails: Berlin Horse, the film by Malcolm Le Grice that included
a soundtrack of Brian's earliest released music, is now available for (legal)
viewing here:
On the
topic of Eno soundtracks, some programmes from the BBC's archives are now available
through MSN in the UK -- including Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, which
features original music by Brian.
- Neverwhere -- probably not viewable outside the UK
On the
topic of BBC programmes, here's some information about the content of the forthcoming
Arena documentary.
The Underworld
versus the Misterons album Athens now has a dedicated microsite, with
streaming audio of several tracks including the Eno-Hyde track "Beebop
Hurry"... albeit with audio watermarking.
Greuther writes: Seems that Peter Norton's remaining copies are available
at MOMA.
The Harmonia
and Eno '76 (remixes) single is available now.
- Juno -- also available at beatport.com but we can't get a stable link to that page
talk to The Stranger about their albums, with a little detail about
working with Brian.
the artist formerly known as Jane Siberry, has made her catalogue available
for purchase online, including the Brian Eno/Michael Brook-produced When
I Was A Boy. Hmm, EnoWeb is overusing the word online in this update...
- Issa
- Issa's albums (click on Jane Siberry)
MacFadyen writes: Dear EnoWeb, given the connection of Mr. Eno to music from
Russia (esp. St Petersburg), we hoped this might be of interest.
have written a song called "Brian Eno".
Our previous update was on 1st November when we wrote:
Brian is
interviewed by Pitchfork, where a typo tragically has him describing U2 as "a
very experimental bad".
Brian will
be talking to Steven Johnson at the ICA in London on Monday 2nd November. It's
sold out. (Thanks to Richard Mills.)
Brian went
to a party. (Thanks to Radiocitizen & Richard Joly.)
will be releasing a compilation album called Athens in November. It
includes a track called "Beebop Hurry" by Brian and Karl Hyde.
- Underworld (includes excerpt [link gone])
- EQmag (thanks to Francesco Lo Forte)
- Resident Advisor (thanks to Radiocitizen)
Brian and
Karl also joined forces for the Serpentine Poetry Marathon, where they were
the final act.
Press has just published Think Before You Think, a new anthology of
writing by Stafford Beer on cybernetics, together with poetry and paintings.
The book is edited by David Whittaker and includes a foreword by Brian in which
he describes his friendship with Stafford and how inspirational he found his
Brian and
Daniel Lanois recall the making of U2's The Unforgettable Fire, recently
Geeta Dayal
writes about Brian, Peter Schmidt and Cybernetics. (Thanks to David Whittaker).
of Echoes have voted Brian number 1 in a list of 20 Icons of Echoes (Thanks
to John Diliberto).
David Eagleman
will be discussing Sum at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh at 7pm
on 11th November 2009 before doing something similar in London the following
night. There is some contribution from Brian.
will be on Arena soon, according to on-screen text during the Synth
Britannia at the BBC programme. Look, we've got proof and everything.
Brand's book on The Clock of the Long Now is now available in Italian, complete
with foreword by Brian. (Thanks to François.)
Brian continues
in his guise as Dr Pangloss, but the full column is only available to subscribers
or purchasers of the printed magazine.
- Client Earth
- China My China in better synced quality than the previous version
Our previous update was on 8th October when we wrote:
Brian spoke
to Steve Seel on Minnesota Public Radio on 2nd October, in an interview that
outlines some of the thinking that he's discussed in talks this year (thanks
to Dominic Norman-Taylor & Radiocitizen).
Brian might
be contributing to the Serpentine Gallery's Poetry Marathon in London sometime
on 17th or 18th October. He's not mentioned on the web page but he is in the
PDF, so that could mean his appearance isn't confirmed.
Doctor Pangloss column continues in Prospect. Fancy him not knowing
the word "lightsaber"...
Rother talks about Tracks and Traces.
Some photos
of Brian at CSULB.
review of 77 Million Paintings at CSULB.
review of Trope.
Geeta Dayal's
book on Another Green World has been printed.
- 33 1/3rd (also links to a new article by Geeta)
Last year's
BBC documentary on Roxy Music is apparently set for a DVD release with some
extra material.
has been updated (Thanks to Kelvin L. Smith). The most noticeable new
features are new sounds -- Bowl (think the singing bowl sound used about 25
seconds into "Condition 5" or at the end of "Two Voices"),
and Blend (perhaps a mix between that and the original Bloom sound). The iTunes
page has the full list of updates.
Kiran Sande
chooses 10 albums for The Essential...Brian Eno.
Our previous update was on 29th September when we wrote:
A few more
reports on Brian's Long Beach talk and Press Conference. Surely that must be
the end now?
Imbruglia mentions Brian.
retune looms soon.
On Friday
9th October Stewart Brand will launch his new book, Whole Earth Discipline:
An Ecopragmatist Manifesto at one of the Long Now Foundation's Seminars
for Long-Term Thinking. "An Evening of Glitz and Glamor" is promised*
as Stewart reminisces about the good times with Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack**
at this extravaganza of music, laughter and choreography***
which will take place at The Cowell Theater at Fort Mason Center, 1 Marina Blvd.,
San Francisco, CA 94123, USA. Doors open at 7pm Long Now time. (Thanks to
Danielle Engelman). Whole Earth Discipline argues that "the
environmental movement must reverse some long-held opinions, and embrace tools
and disciplines that it has traditionally distrusted -- such as science and
engineering -- in order to forestall the cataclysmic deterioration of the earth's
resources" according to the Amazon Product Description. Brian Eno says
of the book: "Perhaps its greatest achievement will be to reframe this
global crisis as an opportunity for civilisational regeneration."
- Tickets
- Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto at Amazon.com (15th October 2009)
- Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto at Amazon.co.uk (1st January 2010)
- Stewart talks at TED
- Stewart Brand
- How Buildings Learn
*Not really.
**This is not scheduled to take place.
***Nor is this either. I can only assume Mustard The Tortoise sauntered over
to the keyboard while I was out of the room and did some extra typing. Sorry.
Our previous update was on 27th September when we wrote:
& Eno '76 - "Sometimes in Autumn (Shackleton Remix)" is available
as a free download from rcrdlbl. (Thanks to Radiocitizen.)
Youssef reviews Brian's talk in Long Beach, Gustavo Turner reports on the press
conference (LBpost podcast link below in 21st September update), and
people report on the installation.
Geeta Dayal's
book on Another Green World is apparently now set for release on 1st
November in the USA and 1st January 2010 in the UK.
NPR's All
Songs Considered reviews Air and Trope, with audio samples.
MacNewsWorld reviews Air. Fabio demonstrates Trope.
Wobble has a book out.
Our previous update was on 21st September when we wrote:
Beach Post has a podcast of the 77 Millon Paintings press launch
at CSULB, and the Long Beach-based installation/lectures get mentioned elsewhere
In the
usual way that everything broadcast on telly eventually makes it to the Internet,
here's Artscape: Brian Eno In Conversation. (Thanks to Radiocitizen).
We keep
forgetting to mention that Marconi Union released a new album in August -- if
you like Ambient music it's worth visiting Tokyo.
Our previous update was on 20th September when we wrote:
new Eno-Chilvers iPhone/iPod Touch app Trope is now available. Brian
describes it as "more introspective, more atmospheric" than Bloom.
It evokes memories of Lightness and Generative Music 1's "Lysis
(Tungsten)". (Thanks to Radiocitizen).
a pic of the poster for 77 Million Paintings at CSULB outside the building,
from Richard Nensel. Photography wasn't allowed inside. Brian will also be a
guest at a fundraising event for Wide Angle on Monday 21st September, before
whizzing off to Minneapolis the next day.
- Brian presents 77 Million Paintings at CSULB (YouTube)
- 77 Million Paintings at CSULB
- Wide Angle Fundraiser (for information only, as tickets had to be purchased by 14th September)
Our previous update was on 17th September when we wrote:
activity reminder:
Sunday 20th September at 19:00 -- An Evening With Brian Eno at the
Carpenter Performing Arts Center, Long Beach, California, USA.
Tuesday 22nd September -- Conversation Piece with Brian and Jon Hassell
at the Walker Art Center, 1750 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403, USA. Sold
out, we believe.
10th September to 13th December -- 77 Million Paintings at the University
Art Museum, CSULB, USA. There is a suggestion that this may include a new version
of the soundtrack; can anyone confirm?
Other links in the 2nd September update below.
Brian can
be seen on The South Bank Show documentary about Coldplay on Sunday
20th September on ITV1 from 22:15pm to 23:15.
- South Bank Show (no detailed info)
Brian will
be one of the contributors to an event called David Eagleman and Philip
Pullman - Tall Tales from the Afterlife on Thursday 12th November 2009
at 7.30pm at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. There will be readings from Sum
so EnoWeb wonders if Brian's bit will be the music that accompanied the stories
in their performance in Sydney. (Thanks to Radiocitizen).
- Sum at QEH
- The Today Programme: David Eagleman
- The Bookseller: The Power of Stephen Fry -- says an audiobook is in the works, possibly with Eno music
- Stephen Fry's thoughts on his endorsements
- Canongate
Friday 4th September Professors Richard Dawkins and Brian Eno gave a talk to
raise funds for the Oxford Playhouse. Tickets were sold out. The stage set consisted
of two comfy chairs, a low table with two Mac laptops, and a screen that had
77 Million Paintings projected onto it. The talk was filmed from both
sides of the stage. Brian explained that they would be looking at some kind
of cross-over between art and science, but not the conventional one that says
"it's all the same thing really": in his and Richard's view, art and
science are quite different, but overlap at the level of imagination and our
perception of the world.
Brian began with references to Copernicus and Darwin, who both changed people's views of our place in the cosmos -- we are not at the centre of the universe or Nature, but part of a system connected up in very complex ways, formed from the bottom up. Richard said the distinction was between big complicated things coming into being because somebody put them there, and coming into being because they just grew out of smaller things. As an example of complexity based on simple building blocks, he cited the way that a flock of birds seems to move as a single entity, as though they have a group intelligence or a leader who commands their actions, but computer modelling shows it's actually quite straightforward: Craig W. Reynolds' boid flock model [requires Java] uses a small number of very simple rules.
After a technical hitch changing the projector input, Richard demonstrated a Blind Watchmaker Biomorphs computer simulation [requires Java] of genetic evolution for 16-gene trees, showing how you can selectively breed to favour a particular trait such as size or branch shape. The approach has applications in generative art: Brian said he can specify the type of thing he likes, but not know what the final outcome is likely to be, or even the details of the genes/rules that are being followed. This contrasts with classical composers with symphonies in their heads, formed pieces that existed before they were performed. Generative music is "more like gardening than architecture": you plant something and then leave it to grow.
Further technical hitches ensued as Brian attempted to demonstrate generative music on his Mac with an iPhone simulator and the iPhone/iPod Touch app Bloom (apparently an updated release, to judge from the menu screen, but not yet available) and a new app called Trope (which generates music when you draw on the screen); the icon for Air was also visible. Sadly despite the best efforts of Peter Chilvers the audio refused to move from Brian's laptop to the theatre's sound system. Brian eventually decided that musical examples were not essential to the event's discussion of ideas.
Mustard The Tortoise: Actually that might have been my fault.
EnoWeb: How so, fierce and wild reptile?
Mustard: Well, I was just lurking unnoticed on the stage, basking under
the spotlights, when I started feeling a bit peckish. I spotted what looked
like a tasty-looking blade of grass and took a bite out of it. I recall thinking
it had a strange buzzing flavour...
EnoWeb: That would have been the audio lead?
Mustard: I realise that now, of course. Unfortunately there was a sudden
electrical surge, and being a transdimensional tortoise (albeit fierce and wild),
I found myself propelled into a parallel universe.
EnoWeb: Which one?
Mustard: Parallel Ninety-Six. Everything there has a slight purple
fringe at the edges and the skies are glue. I watched aghast at the Parallel
Playhouse, as Parallel Richard Dawkins -- appraised of the fact that in the
late 1970s, a graffiti artist sprayed the slogan "ENO IS GOD" across
parts of New York -- used the power of evolutionary theory to prove that Brian
didn't exist, and if he thought he did then he really was very stupid indeed.
EnoWeb: What happened?
Mustard: Brian answered gnomically that like ambient music, he could
be as ignorable as he was interesting. Then I thought I'd better leg it out
of there before somebody pointed out that "in theory" tortoises can't
talk because they didn't evolve any vocal folds. As if that proves
EnoWeb: Forgetting that for a moment, let's hope that if any future
musical demonstrations are planned, Team Eno considers a sophisticated and technologically
advanced back-up plan, e.g. taking along an MP3 player with examples of generative
music, plus some portable speakers.
Mustard: Yes. Preferably wireless to avoid accidents.
suggested that in creating something, artists might be using a kind of mental
Darwinian process regarding the ideas they choose to accept or reject. Brian
spoke about the difference between artists and scientists: asked what they do,
scientists will reply that their interest is in discovering something about
the world, while artists don't appear to have thought about the question and
will give many different answers. Scientists are describing a world that exists,
artists are saying how would it be if we had a world like this? Our ability
to imagine is what separates us from animals. Richard quibbled with Brian's
interpretation of scientists -- they don't just discover what's there, they
imagine possible alternatives and then test them by experiment or observation.
Brian couldn't think of an equivalent for testability in art; Richard suggested
it might be in terms of what appeals to artists and other people.
Brian started to talk about aesthetic choices. Artists are trying to make something better, that they like more, and that suits the kind of world they would like to live in. He made Music for Airports to show that you could make music in a particular way ("2/1" has 5 or 6 loops of different lengths that cluster togther in different ways), and to show if you made the objects of the future they would pull the present towards them. He thinks "anything that is thinkable in art becomes possible in life." This reminded Richard of Charles Hartshorne's belief that birds have an aesthetic sense; as male birds learn to sing songs to attract a mate, they try out phrases and then improve them. Maybe instead of a finalised song, natural selection builds a rule into male birds saying: sing at random -- choose those phrases that appeal to you -- those will also appeal to the female of the species.
Brian turned to his Surrender theory of art (mentioned in the write-up of Eno-Hassell conversation below). To his existing four areas of Art, Sex, Drugs and Religion, he has now added Sport and "getting into the zone".
Mustard The Tortoise: Brian just has to think of a sixth area of Surrender, and then he can create Trivial Pursuit: The Eno Surrender Edition!
In Surrender we enjoy the loss of control and being immersed in something else -- and some cultures combine several aspects, like religion and drugs, sex and religion and art. Richard, though, was unconvinced about the value of surrender and wasn't sure he wanted to be out of control: what would be its biological advantage? Brian said that what used to be called "primitive peoples" have the right mixture of control and surrender in terms of fiting into their environment. Richard agreed that an art experience provides a feeling of surrender, but while it was nice, he didn't understand why it helps his Selfish Genes to survive. Brian countered that something the Selfish Genes found very nice was likely to be good for their survival, but Richard felt this was circular, not explaining why something that was nice helped them survive or why Surrender specifically did so. A biological explanation for our appreciation of music could be something along the lines of Stephen Pinker's work: natural selection has finely tuned our hearing for speech recognition, and music provides a super-normal stimulation of the frequency-analysing circuitry that we've got in our brains, just as pure sugar provides a super-normal taste stimulus. Possibly the visual arts could be a similar case.
Brian felt there wouldn't be a single explanation for aesthetic enjoyment. He couldn't think how Death Metal would relate to that theory (Richard gave a look of consternation), or Screamo. With art, we are always looking at something in the context of our whole history of looking at things. Difference is the thing that turns us on. He thinks most artistic values are relative rather than intrinsic: a piece of art is "a trigger for a transaction that you have with it". Richard thought that might mean the user could control some of the parameters of the generative art, but Brian said for him the point was to cede control, creating a point where people can surrender. He gave his well-worn haircut analogy another (h)airing: in choosing a haircut people make a stylistic choice relative to the current state of aesthetic choices, and what's seen as the "natural look" will vary over time. Richard suggested that birds' crests and plumage provided an analogy for that analogy (albeit over evolutionary, rather than cultural, time).
There was just time for a quick Question & Answer session. Brian requested that the questions be kept short and related to the talk, so not about "the lyrics on the third Talking Heads album".
Mustard The Tortoise: Another David Byrne based example of what not to ask! What can this mean?
As is traditional, some question-posers apparently felt this gave them free rein to read out long essays they'd brought along with them, which Brian then pithily summarised.
On atheism: Brian said there was a distinction between belief in God (which he didn't share), and thinking that there might be value in Surrender activities like religion where one exercises a part of one's mind and being.
On why life bothers: Richard said living things exist because they inherit genes from a long line of ancestors that all took the steps to survive and reproduce.
On Surrender: Brian said instead of the words "active" and "passive", he now uses "action" and "passion", positive forceful ideas. Passive is not the choice of simply doing nothing but the choice of deciding to let yourself be part of something.
Mustard The Tortoise: So he's taken two opposites and turned them into similarities? Run that one past me again. No. Sorry. I need a dandelion.
On whether creativity can be taught in the arts and the sciences: Richard thought you might not be able to teach the creative side that separated a scientific genius from a competetent scientist, but you could teach people to bring out their creaive potential. Brian thought that obsession could drive people forward creatively and that educational systems that aimed for total balance might be an obstae to realising creativity.
On whether there a survival value in the creative imagination: Richard said imagination could have evolved as creatures developed to fit their world, survival might have been helped by an ability to run simulations of their world and make what-if calculations, virtually trying out courses of action rather than taking possibly risky behaviour. Brian said humans had more imaginative abilities than animals although some animals like chimps and rooks demonstrated imagination, exhibited in the ability to be deceitful.
On whether they both still believe in memes: Brian thought the idea was workable; Richard explained it showed that anything that self-copies could be a unit of Darwinian selection, and computer viruses were another example.
On the future for the human race: Richard replied long-term humans are likely to become extinct, probably in a mass extinction, followed by a new flowering of variations. In the short term, over the past millions of years our brains got bigger, we developed things like art and imagination, but there is no reason that will definitely continue and it is not easy to predict.
Other views:
- Richard Dawkins' comments before the event (and some audience responses after it)
- Blog of Will
- Times Online
(mentioned above) is a new app from Opal for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Created
by Peter Chilvers and Sandra O'Neill and based on concepts by Brian Eno, it
creates compositions with short looped piano notes and/or "aaaah"
vocals. The user can leave it to generate its own music, or play the loops;
the overall effect is reminiscent of Music For Airports' "2/1"
and "1/2". The iTunes page quotes Brian as saying "Air is like
Music for Airports made endless -- which is how I always wanted it
to be." The app notes also refer to Trope, so presumably the release
of that won't be too far behind.
has an experimental radio channel that currently includes some of Icebreaker's
arrangements of Apollo.
- Totallyradio.com Show Archive -- look for "22-aug-09 experimental guests and exclusives"
Guardian has a feature on Oblique Strategies.
Leo Abrahams
mentions making music with Brian.
- Leo's Webdiary -- 2nd September entry
the "Brian Eno on" videos that accompanied Another Day On Earth?
Sarah Vermeersh has a slightly longer version.
The re-release
of Harmonia's Tracks and Traces will be accompanied by some remixes
(not by Brian).
name will appear as producer on "Lukas", a song on Natalie Imbruglia's
new album Come To Life. This was a song he worked on with Coldplay
during the Viva La Vida sessions. (Thanks to Radiocitizen, Peter
van Doorm, Robjn -- and thanks to Radiocitizen for correcting the track name
from "Luaka".)
Sheppard's biography of Brian Eno, On Some Faraway Beach, is now available
in paperback. (Thanks to Francesco lo Forte).
Karl Hyde suggests the Pure Scenius concerts could make it to CD/DVD,
backing up comments by Leo Abrahams in July.
of Underworld, have you ever wondered how Internet rumours start? Here's a salutary
lesson for all of us who source information from the Web...
has a podcast interview with Harold Budd and Clive Wright. (Thanks to John
Lanois' site has had a makeover.
As has
Lumen London, which sets up Brian's audiovisual appearances. (Thanks to
Dominic Norman-Taylor).
has a lot of pics of Brian, some from his time with David Byrne, in New York,
with cats, and with Roxy in 1972.
ABC Sydney
has a podcast with Brian. (Thanks to Bernd Kretzschmar).
and Andrea write: This is a short clip I compiled of the Sydney Opera House
in June.
in the postbag?
Douglas Rednour e-mails: Mr. Eno did soundtrack work for a Euro-horror
film called Land of the Minotaur. The soundtrack is just about the
best thing of the film, though it's decent Euro-horror of the period. In any
case - has music from the film ever been put out in album form?
Are some of the tracks on Music For Film from Land of the Minotaur?
And finally that old chestnut (assuming the music is unreleased, which is what
I think is the case): Does Mr. Eno regret his involvement in the film, or his
music from it, or is he waiting for the right time to spring it on an unsuspecting
EnoWeb replies: Some of the music appeared on Music For Films,
some not. We have no idea about Brian's views about the film -- or even if he
has any -- but we do know that he sometimes thinks that his soundtrack music
does not work particularly well in isolation from the visual elements. For example,
there wasn't much interest from Opal in releasing a track from The Jacket
despite several people requesting it.
Truman Emery writes: With our watches precious minutes will go slower.
Mustard The Tortoise responds: I'd keep quiet about their poor time-keeping
if I were you.
Mrs Farida Waziri scams: We wish to warn you against some Miscreants,
Hoodlums and Touts who go about scamming innocent people by claiming to be who
they are not and thereby tarnishing the image of this wonderful country, NIGERIA.
Mustard: If you had talked about Rapscallions, Ne'er-do-wells, Knaves
and Varlets then I might have given your e-mail more credence.
Barbra Pereira: The cost of our watches is much lower than their quality.
Mustard: Are they free then?
Vegas Club Casino: The real game is played only where it started:
in Vegas!
Mustard:That's a bit out of my way, really.
Vegas Club Casino: So if you fancy some real exiting spin --
Mustard: You mean that you forcefully chuck people out when they lose?
Sounds like a rough place!
Our previous update was on 2nd September when we wrote:
All events for now. Should be some more links in a few days.
Just a
reminder that Brian will be talking to Richard Dawkins on Friday 4th September
at 5pm at the Oxford Playhouse. According to the Henley Standard, their
tête-à-tête is a charitable event in support of the Playhouse's
70th Anniversary Campaign.
While we're
doing reminders, Richard Nensel jogs our memory about An Evening
With Brian Eno at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center, Long Beach, California,
USA, on Sunday 20th September 2009 at 19:00. Not only that, but 77 Million
Paintings is on at the University Art Museum, CSULB, from 10th September
to 13th December.
- Carpenter Performing Arts Center
- LBPOST.com -- UAM Director Christopher Scoates talks about 77 Million Paintings
Norman-Taylor says Brian will then be having a Conversation with Jon Hassell
on 22nd September at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, MN, USA (1750 Hennepin
Minneapolis, MN 55403). Wonder if they've finished their book(s) yet?
Our previous update was on 23rd July when we wrote:
To the
Science Museum in Sth Kensington on 20th July, where the instrumental ensemble
Icebreaker and B.J. Cole were to perform Mr B. Eno's "Apollo: Atmospheres,
Sounde-Trackes, &c" Record using conventional instruments and
a spicing of electronica.
Mr Eno in good humour gave a spirited speech prior to the concert, regaling the assembled throng with his memories of the Landing of Men on the Moon. He recalled how in the Nineteen-Sixties he was at first not greatly interested in the project, yet paid a visit to his friend and onetime tutor Tom Phillips the Royal Academician, who owned a television set; seeing the Men on the Moon and the Moon in the sky outside the window, Mr Eno suddenly understood the enormity of the enterprise. He had not at that time considered himself to be a great friend of America because of the great War in Viet Nam, yet the Moon Landings enabled him to see the New World in a New Light, as a country of great Ambition.
I thought to myself that the Moon is widely regarded as having an Influence on the Populace and the Tides, and Mr Eno explained that the Space Race and Moon Landings themselves influenced the use of spacey echoes in popular music, the equipment and apparatus for such effects being developed contemporaneously, even though in reality there can be no sound in a vacuum. When many years later he came to compose Apollo with his good friend Mr Daniel Lanois and brother Mr R. Eno, Mr B. Eno's aim had been to create zero-gravity Country music, having been informed by Mr Al Reinert that most of the American Astronauts had taken Country & Western Tapes with them into Outer Space.
Two pieces from the Record, said he, had gone on to have other lives in films and advertisements: "Deep Blue Day" and "An Ending (Ascent)", but this would be the first time that the Apollo music had been performed outside a studio. I quibbled at this, for had not the Metropole Orkest included "An Ending (Ascent)" in its Shutov Assembly orchestration in the Year of Our Lord 1999? But I kept my own counsel on this point.
Mr B. Eno made copious other remarks besides, and all without consulting written notes which did impress me.
The performance took place in the Museum's IMAX Cinema; the musicians were positioned in a basement area underneath the large Cinema screen, so that we audience members could see little of them. Indeed as there is a metal mesh barrier between the auditorium and the screen, it struck me to all intents and purposes that they were fenced off like inmates of a Zoological Garden or even Bedlam itself. But they made such sweet music that I was quickly disabused of this notion. Sequences from Mr Al Reinert's film For All Mankind were projected onto the screen to accompany their performance, with the order of the pieces differing from the original record so that they better complemented the lantern-show. The result was to transport us in our minds to the very surface of the Moon itself, and from thence gently back to Earth. The mighty dimensions of the screen lent the NASA film a grandeur and majesty that inspired awe in me, particularly at the start when the Saturn V Rocket took off.
Afterwards the musicians broke free from their basement prison and lined up at the front of the auditorium, where they were congratulated by Mr B. Eno, who also summoned the quiet composer Jun Lee -- who arranged the music -- from the back of the Cinema so that he could take a bow.
The Amusements ended, I walked back through the empty Museum Galleries and thought to myself that they were a place of great Wonders.
I heard that a second concert took place on the following day, which like this one was entirely sold out.
- Times Online review
- Financial Times review
- Guardian Review
- Photo at Eye magazine
- Dazed Digital: "Deep Blue Day"
- Inevitable YouTubery (thanks to Jimmy Hutchinson)
That same
night, the indefatigable Mr B. Eno did contribute to a wireless broadcast...
Mustard The Tortoise: Oh, stop it, please!
This was recorded for BBC Radio Five Live's early-morning Up All Night
programme during the day. Brian didn't have to stay up till the wee small hours.
- Up All Night (Brian's bit is at about 1:46.00 -- available until 27th July)
Brian will
be in conversation with Richard Dawkins at the Oxford Playhouse on 4th September.
And there was us thinking he would have a nice quiet summer until heading off
to Califor-ni-ay on 20th Sept. (Thanks to Radiocitizen).
By the
way, those EMI "remasters" we were talking about? They are the same
recordings as the Virgin EMI 2004-5 "Original Masters", just not in
Original Masters packaging.
York Decider and Geeta Dayal discuss Apollo. Julian points
out: Just to pass on that 33-1/3 is now claiming that Geeta Dayal's "much
anticipated" (or late, to be blunter) Another Green World book
will finally be out in September -- though that qualification about "late"
September isn't wholly confidence-inspiring!
back in time and back to Australia in a Time Storm, Brian is interviewed for
Artscape. This'll be repeated on 26th July, though it's not accessible
for those outside Australia.
Leo Abrahams
gives an insider's view of the Pure Scenius concerts.
- Leo (6th July entry)
Rogalsky e-mails: Just thought I'd put this across your screen... This
version of "Needles In the Camel's Eye" was performed this past Saturday
at an event in Kingston Ontario called Bands
In Love. Three bands of local musicians were randomly created and given
a few days to come up with a cover tune or two. This band, dubbed "Shitzu
Wizard," included synth, bass, drums, lap steel, saz, acoustic guit. and
two electric guitars, and most people were singing.
Lentz says: Found these pics on Ricky Gardiner's homepage, and thought they
might be of interest..
Our previous update was on 15th July when we wrote:
a nice flyer for the Apollo concerts at the Science Museum in London on 20th
& 21st July. There should be a short feature on the event on BBC 6 Music's
The Music Week on Sunday 19th July at 13:00 BST. And nothing to do
with the concerts, For All Mankind comes to Region 2 Blu-ray in November.
Apparently there's a new interview with Brian in the booklet.
- Sound And Music Flyer (jpeg)
- The Music Week
- Science Museum Apollo page -- to book, call 0870 870 4771, select Option 3 then Option 0
- For All Mankind
- Moonbathing -- Radio 2 programme at 22:00 BST on Saturday 18th July that'll probably include some Apollo music and an interview with Daniel Lanois
Neate has a review of On Some Faraway Beach at The Quietus.
to our stories about EMI and Apollo, it seems EMI is re-releasing all
Brian's early solo album back catalogue (and the collaborations with Harold
Budd) as "remastered" versions on 3rd August, not just Apollo.
Eagle-eared Andrew Dalio points out that the current version of More
Music For Films on iTunes and EMI's streaming service is the incorrect
one with track 18 and track 20 both "Approaching Taidu" even though
track 18 is titled and should be "Climate Study". Yes, just like the
first pressing of the CD that Virgin EMI recalled all copies of in the middle
years of this decade.
Those aren't
the only re-releases, either. Ian writes: Just popping my head above
the Enoweb waves to alert you to a possible Eno news item about a forthcoming
Harmonia re-release - you maybe know all about it already, but no harm in highlighting
it just in case - Tracks and Traces but with three extra unreleased
tracks. It's due out on 19th September. Full news on Michael Rother's website.
- Michael Rother
- Resident Advisor (includes track listing)
And there's
801 Live, too. This is all starting to look scarily like a career retrospective.
e-mails: Andrea Corr album to be produced by Eno.
Raffael plugs: Thought you might dig this eno cover.
Our previous update was on 9th July when we wrote:
Ahead of
the Apollo concerts at London's Science Museum on 20th & 21st July, New
Scientist has a brief interview with Brian.
- New Scientist
- Science Museum Apollo page -- to book, call 0870 870 4771, select Option 3 then Option 0
writes: Brian has written an article on reforming the electoral system
for The Guardian.
EMI is
the label for Brian's early/late albums these days. They let you stream 'em
for free.
McCourty e-mails: I can’t see any mention of this in your News but
it seems as if a new UK remastered version of Apollo is due out on
August 3rd according to Amazon.
EnoWeb: Maybe that's just an EMI rerelease of Virgin's Original Masters
version, to tie in with the 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landings?
Alex: On a related note, it’s strange to see that there’s
still no Region 2 DVD version (UK) for Al Reinert’s movie, only a Region
1 import, although a Blu-ray version is due to be released on July 14th to obviously
coincide with the anniversary.
Brian opened
Headington School's new music department and studio on July 4th.
The re-re-release
of 801 Live has been delayed until 7th September, but Expression Records
will be offering something for pre-orders.
Harold Budd.
Our previous update was on 26th June when we wrote:
Just a
reminder: Apollo will be perfomed live by Icebreaker and BJ Cole on
20th and 21st July at the Science Museum in London. To book, just phone the
Science Museum on 0870 870 4771, select Option 3, and then select Option 0 to
speak to a ticket-seller. Phone line operates during the Museum's opening hours
(8:30am to 6.00pm BST).
has a transcript of Brian's remarks at the media conference for the Luminous
The Festival
concluded with three Pure Scenius concerts. EnoWeb reader Michael
Honnery kindly sent us this write-up.
The concert was held in the Sydney Opera House. Two grand pianos were back to back across the rear of the stage along with a drum kit and a small tent(!). Eno's desk with Apple laptop, keyboards and an old fashioned overhead projector was front stage left. The front right corner of the stage was furnished as a comfy lounge with couch, arm chairs and lots of mugs, kettles and general tea making paraphernalia. Throughout the night the performers would variously gather there, for example when the Necks were instructed to carry on solo while the others watched and chatted over tea!
Suspended over the stage were three large triangular screens upon which not only the light show was projected but also close ups of the various players at their instruments as well as fragmentary glimpses of Eno's written instructions to them which seemed to be randomly generated throughout the performance and often had an Oblique Strategies quality to them. Indeed in a curious way Eno seemed to be fulfilling the function he performed originally with Roxy Music; he in turn would treat the sounds, play keyboards himself, sing and generate instructions which would create systems which dictated the band's improvisations...
The group walked on to the stage to predictable cheers of delight but Eno particularly seemed benignly bemused and waved the applause away as the musicians took their positions. He seemed to be indicating that they were not going to conform to the usual tired cliched pop concert stereotype. With his bald head, glasses and what looked to be a purple velvet jacket he looked every bit the academic, artist or curator in fact anything but a rock star.
The music began imperceptively with the sound of running water to which delicate jazz percussion, synthesiser washes and piano were added. It ebbed and flowed through ambient to jazz to electronica to almost dance without ever being any one of those yet all of them at the same time.
The music continued uninterrupted for the entire concert with the audience totally hushed until the end when they erupted in a standing ovation which seemed to genuinely move the performers "you will have to go because we have another concert to follow," said Eno before succumbing to the temptation of an encore which was a strange lilting song which featured melancholic imagery of moons and Japan.
There was quite a bit of spoken word from the bald one. Eno was very wry and humorous , referring to his gratitude at the number of bald men in the audience who had come out in support "The Bald and the Beautiful"... there was also a rather melancholic thread to his ruminations with the not unrelated theme of mortality repeating through the evening "When you get to 40 there is only one thing worth writing about: 'How much longer do I have?'"... he also commented on the nature of singing (bemoaning the lack of development in the nature of the human voice in relation to music in general) and art.
Karl Hyde, dressed in stripey T-shirt baggy jeans and runners was the main vocalist and semi-spoke his lyrics in a style similar to the last Underworld album. Again he seemed to improvise from a diary he was carrying and I recognised snatches from previous songs ("used his whiskey flask as a walkie talkie") he seemed to hugely enjoy himself and moved, danced and swayed like he was DJ'ing. Towards the end of the concert he crawled to the back of the stage and retrieved a small tin of paint and brush and slowly spelt out the word "Home" on the tent. Presumably this aspect of performance art was to be a part of the concert but did not seem a hugely significant component.
A highlight was the protracted improvisational piano duet by Jon Hopkins and Chris Abrahams of The Necks which had the quality of the early Obscure Michael Nyman release Decay Music. During this piece Eno moved to the couch with his cup of tea and sat alone seeming blissed out (as were the audience). The band was amazingly coherent varying from this sublime ambient beauty to the ludicrously white noise rock when the band transmogrified into their mythical alterego The Ikebana Social Club ('Ambient heavy metal' read Eno's instruction to the band at one point. Indeed seeing him direct with abstract prompts such as 'play cold warmth' was one of the many joys...)
Returning 40 minutes later for the next concert, the performers were still seated in their lounge area chatting and drinking tea and seemed oblivous to the audience, needing to be prompted by one of the ushers to begin whereupon they opened with a blistering blast of white noise and more of what Eno described as his Ikebana Social Club music (he gave a wry description of an imagined Japanese club scene in the year 2025 from which this was a sample...)
The range and style of the music played, although able to be inferred from a knowledge of the individual musicians' work, was nevertheless surprising in its breadth and style: at once classical, free jazz ,music concrete, electronica and ambient blended into one unique whole like nothing you have heard.
In fact the more I try and describe the less adequate I feel in capturing the feel of the concert. It seemed that it was being filmed and I think would make an amazing DVD.
links -- we got 'em! Though probably not in any sensible order.
- Sydney Morning Herald (thanks to Danielle Hoareau)
- The Australian
- Luminous at Sydney Opera House -- comments at base of page
- Phil McKenzie at NerveNet
- Tony Ballinger
- Moot Mobile
- Wojit
- Kevin Jackson's Theatre Reviews
- Red Ark
- Indolent Dandy
- Indolent Dandy earlier
- Michael Brent at Music Feeds
- ABC News -- festival not elitist
- BBC News -- how the sails were lit
- Waynoo's pics (thanks to Waynoo)
- Getty Images (thanks to Ian Hamilton)
- Facebook pics (thanks to Ian Hamilton)
- Moudanier Pictures -- Vivid Sydney
- AliaK pictures
- ABC News
- Alex Burns on Eno's Scenius Keynote Speech (thanks to Bernd Kretzschmar)
- Sydney Morning Herald on Jon Hassell
- The Australian on Jon Hassell & Maarifa Street performance
- Sum performance
- Sum book review
- YouTube
- YouTube
- YouTube
- YouTube
- YouTube
- YouTube
- YouTube
Brian took
part in a number of radio and television broadcasts in Australia, some made
available as podcasts/downloads.
- Brian on Triple J, 29th May (thanks to Radiocitizen)
- Brian on The Music Show, 30th May (thanks to Francis D on NerveNet)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation Sunday Arts transcript, 31st May (thanks to Danielle Hoareau, Radiocitizen & Bernd Kretzschmar)
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation 7.30 Report, 2nd June (thanks to Radiocitizen & Bernd Kretzschmar)
- Late Night Live, Green Law & Tales from the Afterlives, 4th June (thanks to Bryan Blair)
- Jon Hassell on The Music Show, 6th June
Evening With Brian Eno -- surely an event title to strike fear into any
right-minded person. And if the title doesn't, then the $75/100 ticket prices
might. It takes place at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center, Long Beach, California,
USA, on Sunday 20th September 2009 at 19:00. "Join us as Eno shares
insight into his music and his art, and what lies ahead for this pioneering
innovator", says the Press Release. EnoWeb is puzzled by the phrase "what
lies", though: we thought Brian was renowned for his truthfulness. How
else could he have become such a "pioneering innovator" -- or innovative
pioneer -- or pie-novative in-one-ear? 77 Million Paintings will also
be presented from 10th September to 13th December at the University Art Museum,
CSULB, in the same locality. (Thanks to Joseph Buck, Jeff Baena, Michael
Flaherty and Radiocitizen).
Brian should
crop up in a South Bank Show documentary on Coldplay later this year.
Peter Chilvers
talks a bit about Bloom.
Adam Brent
Houghtaling looks at using Oblique Strategies in the kitchen.
UK newspaper
The Mail on Sunday will give away Roxy Music’s Greatest Hits
with its 28th June issue.
Kevin Eden
has sent us some more information on the re-re-release of 801 Live
(due out 13th July):
A deluxe 'collectors edition' of this landmark live album recorded in 1976, it now comes with a bonus disc of rehearsal recordings. The players at rehearsal and at the London QEH gig were Phil Manzanera, Eno, Bill MacCormick, Francis Monkman, Simon Phillips and Lloyd Watson. Housed in a book style format it includes a 52 page booklet with reminiscences from all of the players including Brian Eno & Phil Manzanera.
The original album was hailed at the time due to the recording quality and the performance itself, on this remastered edition the sound is even better.
In 1976, while Roxy Music had temporarily disbanded, 801 (also referred to as THE 801) got together as a temporary project and began rehearsing at Island Studios, Hammersmith, about three weeks before their first gig. The name of the band was taken from the Eno song "The True Wheel", which appears on his 1974 solo album Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy). The refrain of the song -- "We are the 801, we are the central shaft" -- reportedly came to him in a dream. The original sextet included Manzanera, Brian Eno, Bill MacCormick, Francis Monkman, Simon Phillips and Lloyd Watson, and after a warm up show in Cromer in Norfolk, that line-up played just two gigs - at the Reading Festival (with John Peel acclaiming them "the musical high point of the weekend") and at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall. This memorable concert was subsequently released as 801 Live.
The music consisted of more or less mutated selections from albums by Manzanera, Eno, and Quiet Sun, plus a full-scale rearrangement of Lennon & McCartney's "Tomorrow Never Knows" and an off-the-wall excursion into The Kinks' 1964 hit "You Really Got Me".
CD 1 – Lagrima / T.N.K / East Of Asteroid / Rongwrong / Sombre Reptiles / Golden Hours / The Fat Lady Of Limbourg / Baby’s On Fire / Diamond Head / Miss Shapiro / You Really Got Me / Third Uncle.
CD 2 (Recorded at Shepperton Studios during rehearsals Aug 23rd 1976) - Lagrima / T.N.K / East Of Asteroid / Rongwrong / Sombre Reptiles / The Fat Lady Of Limbourg / Baby’s On Fire / Diamond Head / Miss Shapiro / You Really Got Me / Third Uncle / Lagrima (Reprise).
Brian is
apparently one of "The 10 Most Creative People in the Music Biz".
EnoWeb didn't recognise many of the others and was shocked by the omission of
Mitch Benn, Bill Bailey, Gary Le Strange and John Shuttleworth.
Walsh writes: On Maria Wedder's site you can see a brief extract from the
film Threshold (Schwelle) with music by Brian and J. Peter Schwalm.
Brian also provided music for some of her other works.
For the
bored-at-work, here's a brief shot of Brian at Design Indaba 2007.
on Vimeo are these related artists.
for a rummage in the EnoWeb postbag.
Irving Beaver writes: Sometimes our watches live longer than their
Mustard The Tortoise responds: Is that meant to be some kind of threat?
Or do you include a free curse with each watch, as this month's special offer?
Wheelock G. Coral: Remembrances The best male enlargement supplement
on the market you can find. Do you want have substantial evidences? Why not!!!
Mustard: Let me think. Because you're incapable of stringing a simple
sentence together?
Wheelock G. Coral: The only clinically proved enlargement supplement
which is safe as made of only herbal components. Permanent effect based on unique
formula that helps you to be successful in your privet life every single day.
Mustard: Privet, that would be the herbal component, would it?
Mitch Chu:
Mustard: Bless you.
Mitch Chu: Don't blame us for not telling you about this herbal revolution.
Mustard: Alright, I won't.
Elmer Sweeney: Your golden watch will shine like the sun.
Mustard: Forgive me, but that doesn't sound awfully practical. Somebody
asks Tom what the time is, he looks at his golden watch, and he's so dazzled
by the brightness that he can't see Mickey Mouse, let alone Mickey Mouse's hands.
In addition, just think of the risk of sunburn.
Tom's watch: Yeah, get stuffed.
Consuelo Tatum: I want to say something.
Mustard: Do you have to? The sun's going in and I'm getting sleepy.
Consuelo Tatum: You know, I took your Email in the World Dating Agency.
and I am very interested to meet you I understand you're looking for the same
lady hearts.
Mustard: I think you have mistaken me for a devil-worshipper from a
Hammer horror film.
Consuelo Tatum: I do not have children and do not married .. I like
foreign languages speak 2 languages English and Russian. and still studying
something which ... I would like to get acquainted with you.
Mustard: Let's not try to be too ambitious -- you speak just the one
language really, don't you? Garble-ese.
Consuelo Tatum: Write me about yourself I'll also write and send your
Mustard: But I already have a photo of myself.
Cristina Salazar: it was surprising when so much angst welled up inside
me valentines day preparations.
Mustard: Ooh, me valentines day preparations!
Jacklyn Gates: Suddenly you feel that your pants have steel inside them.
Mustard: Sounds rather uncomfortable.
Jacklyn Gates: Nobody will ever guess how old you are.
Mustard: Possibly not, but if I saw someone walking bandy-legged because
of their steel-lined pants, I'd probably hazard a guess that their age-range
was 95-100. Am I right?
Carol Ponce: If your whole life is shit, at least you can have a decent
watch on.
Mustard: Yes, acquiring a worthless piece of tat certainly helps you
put everything into perspective.
Our previous update was on 31st May when we wrote:
As students
of the prophecies of 20th Century Mysticke Brian Eno, we know about the blue
August Moon, the cool August Moon, and the empty Moon [that] enamels Monica
with spoons and candles. But what of the Moon Landings? As EnoWeb has
previously mentioned, the Science Museum in London and Sound and Music are commemorating
the Apollo 11 mission with the premiere of a new live arrangement of the 1983
album Apollo. There are performances on 20th and 21st July with tickets
priced at £18 per person. To book, phone 0870 870 4771.
The amplified ensemble Icebreaker, with BJ Cole on pedal steel guitar, will be accompanied by original footage of the Moon landings from For All Mankind director Al Reinert projected onto the giant screen of the Science Museum IMAX cinema. The concerts will also feature performances by experimental artists Douglas Benford and Iris Garrelfs of new (non-Eno) material based on recordings from space, which will take place in the Science Museum's Making the Modern World gallery (home to the Apollo 10 Command Module).
In March
Wilson Neate interviewed Russell Mills about Brian, and thanks to Wilson's generosity
we have the result here on EnoWeb!
Australian has a report on Brian's Keynote Address for the Luminous
- The Australian
- Yeeehah (with link to some photos)
Hamilton writes: Luminous Festival launch images are available
at the Luminous Facebook page. The images are publicly viewable without a Facebook
Brian was
a signatory to a letter in The Observer on 24th May, urging a vote
on the introduction of PR in the UK.
- The Observer
- Blogger Iain Martin points out that being a musician automatically invalidates Brian from having any opinions (thanks to Richard Mills for link)
Fortune, a book of Harold Budd's poems, will be published in June. To celebrate
the publication Harold and bassist Keith Lowe will perform live at 8pm on June
11th at the Chapel in the Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Avenue North,
Seattle. There will then be a signing at Wessel Lieberman Booksellers, Pioneer
Square, Seattle from 5 to 6pm on June 12th.
Emr writes: I've added almost 100 new images to PeterSchmidtWeb, taking
the number of Peter's works in our catalogue to over 200 now -- dating back
as far as 1950 -- whereas we started out with 5 or 6...
Our previous update was on 26th May when we wrote:
of information about Brian's activities at the Luminous Festival in
Sydney in June.
- The Today programme (audio)
- BBC News article (same material)
- Time Out Sydney interview (thanks to Danielle)
- ABC News (thanks to Danielle)
- Sydney Morning Herald
- Sydney Morning Herald (video report on Vivid Sydney)
- Daily Telegraph
- Reuters Canada
- The West Australian
- CityOfSydney.tv
writes: Brian Eno will be interviewed on Radio National's Music Show on
30th May. The show will be available for download shortly thereafter.
Brian was
one of the contributors to part 1 of Island 50, a BBC Radio 2 documentary
on his & Roxy Music's first record label.
- Island 50: Island Life (available until 30th May)
Eno in
YouTube video and pictures.
- The original "China My China" video (although the timing seems off)
- Interview with Mariella Frostrup
- David Bowie talks about 1.Outside
- At the EDGE.org London dinner
- With Jon Hassell at the 2008 Punkt Festival (thanks to Bernd Kretzschmar)
of Jon, here are some interviews with him.
Budd has a new collaboration with Clive Wright (thanks to John Diliberto).
Byrne has released a live EP in suport of Amnesty International.
are giving away a free live album.
Expression Records re-re-releases of 801 performances will now be re-re-released
in July.
- Expression Records
- 801live.com (plays audio excerpts automatically; EnoWeb thinks the "Buy Album Now" link is for the previous re-release, not the forthcoming one with extra CD & book)
Our previous update was on 30th April when we wrote:
Brian will
be one of the guests on Radio 4 programme The Museum of Curiosity on
Monday 4th May at 18:30 BST. It's repeated on Sunday 10th May at 12:04 and should
be available via Listen Again for seven days after broadcast.
Some more
information about the Pure Scenius finale at Sydney Opera House on
14th June (thanks to Bernd Kretzschmar).
visitors with mid-term memories may recall Brian performing some of Rick Holland's
work at the Bath International Music Festival three years ago, and Rick including
one of his collaborations with Brian, "Predestined Connection", on
his MySpace page. Now Rick has added some other collaborations (thanks to
Bernd Kretzschmar).
sometime Eno collaborator, Jon Hopkins (who's also part of the Luminous
line-up), has a new album titled Insides out on 4th May.
Our previous update was on 29th April when we wrote:
The 40th
anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing is coming up soon -- and to celebrate,
the Science Museum, in collaboration with Sound and Music, is presenting the
premiere of a new live arrangement of the 1983 Eno-Lanois-Eno album Apollo.
To be performed on 20th & 21st July 2009, the new arrangement is by Jun
Lee and performed by Icebreaker with BJ Cole and supported by experimental artists.
The concert will take place in the Science Museum IMAX Cinema and Making
the Modern World gallery, and is part of the Science Museum's space season
and Centenary celebrations. Tickets will be available from 18th May. More information
when we get it.
writes: Pure Scenius, the concert finale to Luminous
in Sydney, will be comprised of 3 separate shows – the first will be music,
the second will be a public discussion of that music, and the final concert
will be more music. Each part will run for about 90 minutes. There's some comment
writes: Brian Eno's 55 Million Crystals at Swarovski Kristallwelten.
Diliberto says: I've just posted a blog about the new album from Brian
Eno accomplice, Leo Abrahams. It features interview clips, an audio version
with music and a link to the Echoes May CD of the Month Review: Leo Abrahams'
The Grape and the Grain.
advertises: As a feature of my blog, I'm offering a different Oblique Strategy
each day, manually randomly selected. If you have any objections or suggestions
please let me know and I'll do my best to accomodate them.
Mustard The Tortoise says: Suggestions? I'd like to see you walk around
for a week with a tea-cosy on your head. Can you accommodate that?
on the iPhone/iPod Touch again. Well, sort of. Some of the tracks he produced
are included in Tap Tap Revenge: Coldplay Edition, in which you tapalongaColdplay
in Guitar Hero stylee.
Our previous update was on 28th April when we wrote:
Brian appeared
on BBC Radio 4's Front Row on 24th April to talk about Sum,
his collaboration with David Eagleman at the Luminous Festival in May.
- Front Row (available until 1st May, maybe not listenable-to outside UK)
April saw the EnoWeb Annual Works Outing to England's famous London to witness
Brian Eno and Jon Hassell live on stage in hot conversation action at the Ether
Mustard The Tortoise: It didn't really
sound like my cup of dandelion tea. I'm glad I took my radio with me for company.
stage featured two armchairs, two projectors, a coffee table, an array of papers
set out like a game of Pelmanism, and eventually two men who started by claiming
they were going to walk about and then spent the rest of the evening sitting
in their comfy chairs.
Screen images show Brian's introductory e-mail to Jon suggesting
how their discussion could go, alongside a cartoon by David Suter. Artists and
most of audience not present as this was some time before the performance started.
Problems reading the e-mail? Either you need an eye-test or there's dreadful
camera-shake combined with low-light conditions.
Six minutes in, Brian was just warming to his theme when he started complaining
of hearing somebody talking from on-stage speakers.
Mustard: Did he hear voices?
He asked the people operating the sound board if they could stop it. It seems
to be a feature of talks with Eno that he likes to dissipate tension early on
by grumbling about something (often seating capacity, though not in this case).
Mustard: He did, so he was possessed.
Brian carried on speaking and then again claimed he could hear Radio 4 on the
Mustard: He was a Believer Born Again,
yet he heard voices
and he was possessed. Actually that might have
been my
radio, come to think of it. Radio 4 comedy, I
never go to
sleep listening to anything else.
Have you finished?
Mustard: Look on the bright side, at
least people got a
free sort-of performance of "The Jezebel
Spirit" from
Eno before I finally dozed off.
EnoWeb found it interesting to see how Brian can flick from discussing some
intellectual position to making irked remarks about technical problems and back
again, without breaking his stride.
Brian and Jon took it in turns to expound on what was described as "a discussion that has been going on for 30 years". They had a similar approach to their art according to Brian: it wasn't just a question of making attractive things, but a way of practising a worldview. Both of them were writing books but as they covered similar subject-matter, they might collaborate on a single tome instead -- a fact that Brian said might come as a surprise to his publisher.
Jon contrasted the "north and the south of you", also expressed in terms of "the microchip and the samba" or an excess of abstraction versus feeling. Brian's approach was Surrender, a concept he views as an active choice rather than a passive verb; he identified four zones where we can take pleasure and surrender: art, sex, drugs and religion, where "I stop being me and I start being us".
What else does EnoWeb have written down on the notepad? "Resolution of
thought by non-evaluation". By the Fat Lady of Limbourg, what on earth
is that supposed to mean? I'm sure it made sense on the evening.
Mustard: Perhaps Sir had surrendered
a little too much by that point?
Or it could be that Brian's fidgeting was getting a bit distracting. As he was
in charge of the large overhead projector, he zoomed in on a document and then
forgot to zoom out again, and he fiddled with a pen which got projected onto
the screen behind him in jerky arcs and circles like a Tony Hart 1970s stop-motion
Jon mentioned that Brian worked with a group whose name was made up of numbers or letters or something. "Clodplay?" Brian asked helpfully, adding that he would be working with them the following week. BBC 6music reported this as meaning Brian would be in the studio with U2 (original story picked up in the usual Internet game of Chinese Whispers, and correction).
Various topics were aired like laundry with colour-run during the evening: Propagenda (like propaganda, but rather than blatantly telling people something, it is a way of stimulating discussion so something becomes real because it is talked about); Axis Thinking (covered in Brian's Diary, but this was the clearest explanation EnoWeb's ever witnessed); intrinsic and conferred value; latex; man born of woman and woman born of woman; pornography; Credit Default Swaps; Jon Hassell's Party Of One; and Brian Eno's delight at an opportunity to keep repeating the word "anus".
and Jon concluded that one way of thinking about the subjects they had covered
is the question "What is it that I really like?", and it will remain
a matter of abiding regret to EnoWeb that the two did not then break into an
impromptu performance of "Ooh, a little of what yer fancy does yer good".
When they exited the stage, they left their papers behind -- either as a thought experiment to see how many audience members would try to read them, or because they felt the stagehands could do with a little extra work. We know which explanation we favour.
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
All text © 2009 Jon Hassell & Brian Eno |
In raising the possibility of audience questions, Brian spoke disparagingly
of "bad" questions that referred to other aspects of his career rather
than the evening's discussion*, citing as an example
"are you going to play with David Byrne on Sunday night?"
Mustard: Quite, what a ridiculous idea.
He made it absolutely 100% clear in his interview with The Guardian
that it would never happen.
Brian made
an appearance on stage with David Byrne at the Royal Festival Hall on 13th April
(Monday night, you see, that's his get-out-of-jail-free card). It was
just a brief encore chorus though.
- Drowned In Sound (thanks to Richard Mills)
- TalkingHeads.nl -- with more pictures (thanks to Radiocitizen)
- YouTube -- at 3:58 there’s a short bit from the end of the song
*which shows that something EnoWeb wrote as a gag in The Da Roxy Code is actually far more accurate than we realised at the time...
two reviews of Conversation Piece.
- Vox (thanks to Richard Joly)
- AllAboutJazz
Festival updates.
- The Age interview (thanks to Radiocitizen)
- Scenius (thanks to dhdanofsyd)
Brian has
been writing the "Dr Pangloss" column for Prospect magazine
(thanks to Radiocitizen).
Byrne has some additional UK performances lined up for his 'Songs of David Byrne
& Brian Eno' tour. He will play London Barbican Centre on August 3rd, Southampton
Guildhall on August 4th and the Big Chill festival in Ledbury on August 9th(thanks
to Alankngal).
Brian gets
up close and personal.
Walsh, who makes a study of things Eno projects that haven't happened,
stumbles across one that did:
David Sheppard’s On Some Faraway Beach mentions that in October 1978 Eno helped record and contributed backing vocals to a demo recorded by The Urban Verbs, a band fronted by Roddy Frantz the brother of the Talking Heads drummer. I located a website for the band on MySpace and they currently have the Eno version of their song "Next Question" available to listen to on their player. There is also a video which can be downloaded and provides the following information: "Next Question - This music was recorded by Brian Eno and Ed Stasium at CBGB's after the Urban Verbs first show there in 1979. The band and Eno then took the recording into Media Sound Studios on W 57th Street where they mixed the version you hear here".
now has a piece of Peter Schmidt's sound art from 1969-70 embedded on the home
page -- possibly an influence on Brian's "Alternative 3"? (Thanks
to John Emr)
Our previous update was on 6th April when we wrote:
Just a
reminder that Brian Eno and Jon Hassell will be talking in London on 9th April
as part of the Ether Festival. (Thanks to Radiocitizen).
writes: I don’t know if you’re aware of this one: Brian Eno
talks about recording the latest U2 album.
Azeri e-mails: another find today in that venerably NYC staple -- "U2's
Consistent Sound and Eno"
Smith writes on Moondust, with brief quotes from Brian.
New York Times has a feature about design innovations which includes a
quote from Brian on Bloom.
David Sheppard's
biography of Eno, On Some Faraway Beach, sees its US hardback publication
in May, and a UK paperback is due out in July.
due out in May is Songs from the Films of David Lynch, an album of
covers by Thomas Truax including the Bowie-Eno track "I'm Deranged".
CONTACT Ensemble will give a live performance of Discreet Music at
Miller Theatre at Columbia University in New York City on 29th May.
is Nottingham has an interview with David Byrne, text and audio. If you
choose audio, note that they have opted to keep their bandwidth low by providing
it as a 127Mb .wav file.
Our previous update was on 2nd April when we wrote:
Just a
reminder that Brian Eno and Job Hassell will be talking in London on 9th April
as part of the Ether Festival. (Thanks to Radiocitizen).
Brian and
David Byrne talk to The Guardian. (Thanks to David Evans.)
Brian is
not on Twitter, and who can blame him?
Tennant briefly mentions a day with Brian.
Manzanera talks a bit about 801 -- Collector's Editions of the 801 albums will
be released in May.
Eno has a new track on his MySpace page, "There's Something Wrong With
Ted". (Thanks to Richard Mills.)
Our previous update was on 22nd March when we wrote:
More information
is now available about Brian's proposed activities in Sydney, Australia, in
May-June. It's a case of Taking Tiger apparently. (Thanks to Danielle Hoareau,
Radiocitizen, Richard Joly & Noel Hart.)
- ABC News
- Luminous at Sydney Opera House -- includes video of Brian explaining his aims for the festival
- Vivid Sydney -- the festival of which Luminous is but a small part
- 77 Million Paintings
- The Australian
In EdgeVideo
Song of Songs, evolutionary biologist Armand Leroi reports on a chat
he had with Brian about the evolution of music, and the results of the research
that ensued. Is that Brian sitting at the end of the first row? (Thanks
to Richard Joly.)
Harrison writes: I recently heard about the oblique strategies cards, looked
into a bit, loved it and made myself a website to give random strategies. I
was just looking into the whole thing a bit more, came across your website and
I notice that most of your oblique strategies links have gone out of date -
perhaps you would like to link to my one to help people find a random strategy
website? It presents the strategies in a random colour set against another random
background colour which somehow seems suitable! Cheers :)
John Emr
points out that Afterimages 1, the DVD of films including Berlin
Horse by Malcolm Le Grice, can now be purchased from Amazon. It was previously
not available to the general public, only educators. While we're on the topic
of John, his V'ger-like quest to learn all that is learnable about Peter Schmidt
and transmit that information back to the Creator is going from strength to
- Afterimages
- PeterSchmidtWeb
- PeterSchmidtWebBlog -- now up to 25 TTM prints
Will talks about stuff including Brian.
On 29th
March Bang On A Can All-Stars will be performing Music For Airports at the Clarice
Smith Performing Arts Center at Maryland, University of Maryland, College Park,
Maryland. Later in the day there's a performance with Terry Riley too.
U2 producers
talk about No Line On The Horizon, and some people review it.
- Daniel Lanois: Calgary Herald
- Steve Lillywhite: NPR
- All About Jazz (thanks to Nenad Georgievski)
- Les InRockuptibles (thanks to Richard Joly)
Foley writes: Calling all 0p Seekers
Mustard The Tortoise replies: You woke me up for that? Why would
I seek zero pence?
Trisha: Ok, time is running out.
Mustard: This is undeniable.
Trisha: I need a few more people then that is it. I won't be able to
help you making some serious funds right from the comforts of home.
Mustard: Let me get this straight. You are offering no money, and you
say that you can't actually help anybody make money. You don't work in a major
financial institution by any chance, do you?
Benny Lovett writes: Thank you so much for your patience and good customer
Mustard: Don't be too sure. This is EnoWeb you're writing to.
Benny: GreetI received the watch and I love it and my Son will also,
Mustard: Who's GreetI? Apart from bankers, of course. Ooh, I'm sharp
Benny: not only that the quality is unreal.
Mustard: Which I interpret as meaning that it's rubbish.
Benny: I wear real watches but this is unreal
Mustard: It is a non-watch? What an interesting philosophical concept.
Benny: I may be ordering for my self today!
Mustard: How about getting an extra one for your non-self as well?
I think you'll agree that would make perfect non-sense.
We changed
our updates page to Blogger, so you can subscribe to an Atom feed that'll let
you know when we've made an update. News as a whole will not move to Blog format
as we find it convenient to have a single page per year.
Our previous update was on 2nd March when we wrote:
writes: In case you find interesting to put it on line, I've uploaded on
my site an extract of Eno's speech at the Presentism press conference
held in Rome last 20th February and some pics of his light installation.
Milani e-mails: Here is the talk given by Brian Eno at the inauguration
of the 258th Academic Year of the Accademia di Belle Arti (Venice).
- Brian Eno: a painter in sound at Unidentified Sound Object
- Digicult -- Italian version
And here's
an Italian news report from VeniceWebTV.
Brian was
interviewed by the Daily Telegraph about producing U2. (Thanks
to Stephen Miller and David Whittaker).
Here is
a transcript of the Convention on Modern Liberty session at which the troublemaker
Eno attempted to foment dissent through a discussion of "imagination".
Is it significant that the dangerous Eno had difficulty getting into the venue
at first because of the enthusiastic attitude of Security personnel? The benevolent
Party cannot comment. A Party Official noted with surprise that Eno is quoted
as saying, "We don’t do it emprickly".
says: Readers of your site might be interested in
my review of David Byrne's Songs of David Byrne and Brian Eno gig in
Melbourne, Australia on February 9, 2009. Includes the set-list, photos, band
line-up, etc.
Byrne writes exclusively for EnoWeb (and everybody else
on the Everything That Happens mailing list): A limited-edition
180g gatefold vinyl edition of the album is available now.
Our previous update was on 22nd February when we wrote:
about Presentism.
- The Independent (Thanks to MM)
- L'Unita and Google translate version
- Libero-News and Google translate version
- Abitare a Roma and Google translate version
- PDFs at zètema (Italian only)
- Flickr pics
- Poster at Flickr
- Rex Features
- Eidon
- C6.tv video
- YouTube
- YouTube -- third part of the lectio magistralis (see 17th February update for parts 1 & 2)
of YouTube, here's Brian and James in the studio 8 years ago.
Still in
videoland, looks as though film-maker Gabriella Cardazzo has released the Imaginary
Landscapes film online at Artspace.it.
Independent has the full text of the remarks on so-called "liberties"
and "freedoms" spouted by the disruptive element Eno, previously exerpted
in The Times. (Thanks to Radiocitizen).
insight into Brian's student years here.
Daaniel e-mails: Found this snippet that you might be interested from Tim
Bowness' website: Tim will be appearing on a couple of tracks on Norwegian band
The Opium Cartel's new album, Night Blooms, which has a release date
of March 16th. Tim's main contribution will be on a cover of Brian Eno's classic,
"By This River".
Our previous update was on 19th February when we wrote:
Lo Forte writes: According to LaRepubblica newspaper, Brian Eno
will be in Rome on Friday 20th February for the "Presentism" event
at Fondazione Memmo, Palazzo Ruspoli, Via Del Corso 418. Re-translating (Italian>English)
part of his interview reads: "What we do, what we destroy, what we build
today, doesn't determine our future. I would call it 'Presentism': there's no
longer any difference between the future and the present."
- Rockol.it
- Exhibart information
- Presentism at the Fondazione Memmo (20th February - 15th March, closed on Mondays)
Brian gets quoted.
Our previous update was on 17th February when we wrote:
In Venice,
Brian gave the Lectio Magistralis at the start of the Accademia di Belle Arti's
258 academic year on 16th February. (Thanks to MM).
writes: David Eagleman, neuroscientist and author of Sum: Forty Tales
From the Afterlives, will appearing with Brian Eno at Sydney Opera House
in May.
Long Now
has a PDF of 77 Million Paintings at Venice in 2006.
Our previous update was on 15th February when we wrote:
Observer now has the second part of its short film showing U2 recording
in London with Brian and Daniel Lanois (and elsewhere without). There's also
a long feature with some quotes from Brian.
- The Observer (film)
- The Observer (feature)
The Music
Producers' Guild site has a CMU report on the awards ceremony where Brian was
presented with the Joe Meek Award For Innovation In Production.
Our previous update was on 8th February when we wrote:
Observer has a short film showing U2 recording in Fez with Brian and Daniel
Our previous update was on 5th February when we wrote:
The Coldplay
site has some information on the current recording sessions and just what Brian's
been encouraging them to get up to. (Thanks to Andrew Nicholas).
- Interview with Jonny
- Roadie #42 - Blog #66 includes detailed description & pic of Brian & 3 x Coldplay
Only a
tiny mention of the Eno/Hancock project in Leo Abrahams' 12th January webdiary.
Our previous update was on 3rd February when we wrote:
Eden writes: saw an advert on tv last night for this CD, Ascent
by Tyler Rix. Lo and behold it is "An Ending (Ascent)" done in classical
saxophone stylee. Next thing you know a string quartet will want to do Music
For Airports!! What's the world coming to?
- Amazon has a clip
Dennis e-mails: With much respect I send you this picture.
For Coldplay's
new studio sessions, Brian suggested that three band members should work on
music without singer/songwriter Chris Martin for a couple of weeks. This seems
to be a further development of his Vida la Vida production policy that
they didn't need to begin each song with an idea from Chris. (Thanks to
Francesco Lo Forte).
- Absolute radio ("Violet Hill" performance: Chris Martin talks about this in his intro)
- Absolute Radio (interview, has Chris Martin discussing it at the start)
Lo Forte also says: Just in case it could be useful, I have created a Facebook
event for the upcoming Brian Eno exhibition in Rome.
his assault upon the true forces of peace and democracy, the dissident Eno continues
to spread his baseless lies about the Party. EnoWeb urges right-thinking citizens
to reject the bankrupt arguments of the reviled Eno and advises them not to
watch this video propaganda message. We respectfully remind citizens that the
State's loyal informants are everywhere.
Our previous update was on 1st February when we wrote:
Brian will
be having words with Jon Hassell at London's Queen Elizabeth Hall on 9th April
2009. (Thanks to Robin Bunce, David Whittaker and Kevin Eden).
Coldplay's new single Life in Technicolor II (including the previously
unreleased track "The Goldrush") and U2's Get On Your Boots
are out now and then (2nd Feb & 15th Feb respectively). The iTunes versions
of U2's album No Line On The Horizon will include a bonus track for
Chris Martin
was interviewed by Jonathan Ross on BBC Radio 2 on 31st January.
Ross: Working with Brian Eno must have been exciting.
Martin: Working with Brian Eno was incredible, yeah.
Ross: What does he bring to it that other producers don't, because he's got this kind of -- not legendary -- status, because he is...
Martin: He's like an excited kid about music.
Ross: So, still fresh.
Martin: Yeah, it's infectious, and also he always thinks we can do better. We got a letter from him the other day saying 'you've done okay, well done, but I think you can get better'."
Ross: I don't like the sound of that.
Martin: Yeah.
Ross: I personally don't like receiving that kind of mail.
Martin: You've been getting some horrible mail.
Ross: Yes. This is true.
Martin: Don't worry about it. You're at the top of your game, but we can get better.
Ross: Yeah, I think we can all improve.
Ross: Did you hang out socially with Brian much?
Martin: We hang out with him a lot, yeah.
Ross: Before I met him I didn't know what to make of him, and I was concerned that he would be kind of, you know, ephemeral, living a life kind of like you know, inside -- instead, very down to earth, just engaged.
Martin: He's the sweetest man you could ever meet.
Ross: And he'll be doing the next album with you I guess?
Martin: Touch wood.
Ross: He does all the big bands now though, doesn't he?
Martin: Brian Eno, he's like Alex Ferguson, he's just -- good.
Ross: Top of the game.
an HD trailer for the Everything That Happens promo film, part of the
exclusive deluxe CD package. (Thanks to Bernd Kretzschmar). EnoWeb
grabbed a frame to make an album cover for the bonus tracks.
also says Brian was interviewed by Der Spiegel last December. This
is not Google Translate's best performance; when Brian suggests that the interviewer
could entertain his cat Kofi, this is rendered as hangover
Kofi*. Brian says he would like to stop producing and concentrate on writing
and making music. He also enthuses about the directness of being able to create
Everything That Happens and Bloom without needing marketing
campaigns or soul-destroying meetings with office workers who complain about
a track being too long or complicated.
*We accept that Kofi is well known as a hangover cure, mind
- Spiegel page 1 (auf Deutsch)
- Spiegel page 2 (auf Deutsch)
- Rendered into a new English dialect by Google page 1
- Likewise page 2
Eno-antennae twitch again. This month (20th February to 10th March), 77
Million Paintings manifests itself as PRESENTISM: Time And Space In
The Long Now at Palazzo Ruspoli in Rome, and later Brian will take his
light-show Down Under from 26th May to 21st June.
- Lumen
- The Committee for Sydney ("This group has secured Brian Eno to light the Sydney Opera House" makes it sound as if he's going to be sticking a few bulbs in)
On 12th
February the Music Producers Guild (UK) awards Brian with the first Joe Meek
Award for Innovation in Production. (Thanks to Julian Lewis and Goran Vejvoda).
Walsh writes: I was in Waterstones in Gower Street (London) during the
week and they were advertising that critic, novelist and cultural voyeur, Michael
Bracewell (author of Re-Make Remodel and a sort of non-celebrity Will
Self) will be giving a talk on 19th February 2009 at 18:30. Mr Bracewell will
be talking about Roxy Music’s early years -- a subject which some of your
readers may have a passing interest in. He will include first time accounts
from band members including Bryan Ferry and one Brian Eno (whatever became of
him!). Price is £3 (about €3 for those in Euroland or if you are
reading this next week $3) or £2 for students.
Darch writes: a friend(/music professor) of mine, Matt Rogalsky and his
group Plastic Billionaires have recorded covers of Taking Tiger Mountain.
- Plastic Billionaires: Bankrupting Tiger Mountain (By Credit Default Swap) (plays audio automatically)
The March issue of MOJO has an interview with Brian (thanks to
David Whittaker) and Uncut (also March) has an interview with
David Byrne (thanks to Rory Walsh).
Sellers writes: I wanted to provide you with a heads up regarding the new
DVD featuring the Bang on a Can All-Stars performing Brian's Music for Airports.
This DVD also includes a documentary featuring Brian, Steve Reich & Louis
Andriessen discussing the music picture over the past 30 years. )
- Amazon.com (Thanks to Michael Flaherty)
- Amazon.co.uk
Hassell has a new album out, Last Night the Moon Came Dropping its Clothes
in the Street. (Thanks to John Diliberto and Richard Joly).
Here are
a couple of pics of Brian at Design Indaba in 2007.
- De Zeen Some way down the page
Vejvoda e-mails: Dutch photographer Gijsbert Hanekroot has published a
book called Abba to Zappa - in november 2008 of his rock years. There
are two very nice, rarely seen, b&w pictures of Brian from 1974 especially
the one where he is standing behind a mixing desk.
Phillips says: Just thought I'd mention I received an email yesterday from
a firm in the USA stating that My Life in the Bush of Ghosts is being
reissued (with the new - in what way any better? - artwork) as a double lp in
February next month, followed on the 17th by their speedy follow-up set Everything
That Happens... as a single lp. All very good news for those of us who still
adhere to the old faith...
Our previous update was on 12th January when we wrote:
writes: Brian Eno will be appearing at The Convention on Modern Liberty,
a one-day gathering at the Institute of Education in London on Saturday 28th
February 2009.
Evans e-mails: The Stream Magazine article is now online (in Dutch),
and Brian's name appears among the authors of a letter in the Guardian
from the Stop The War Coalition.
enough, there was a soundbite from Brian on the BBC News report about the demonstration
on 10th January. He said: "There are a lot of Jews here; there are a lot
of Israelis here as well, and they're people who -- like the rest of us -- think
this is a terrible, terrible situation that has bad implications for everybody."
Mail columnist Peter Hitchens disagrees with Brian's Warsaw ghetto analogy
(Thanks to Scrooby).
Grayck writes: Brian Eno is EVIL
EnoWeb responds: No, surely that was the late Mr Knievel? Albeit spelt
with an e not an i. Hmm, what can this e-mail be about?
David Grayck: Brian Eno is evil for supporting the murder of innocent
people in Israel. Please give him this message. Thanks.
EnoWeb: I'm sure you'll agree that accuracy is all-important, David,
and that bearing false witness is a bit of a no-no. Here at EnoWeb we have never
seen any evidence that Brian Eno supports the murder of anybody, certainly not
innocent people in Israel. Nothing written by him, nothing said by him. Here's
what he has done: he has opposed Israel's activities in Gaza and he has sought
to explain (in his view) the motives for those activities and also the possible
result of those activities. Opposing violence and highlighting the possible
consequences in no way equates to supporting, condoning or justifying the actions
of Hamas -- any more than Eno's opposition to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 meant
that he supported Saddam Hussein's regime. But maybe you're right, maybe it
is best to smear the reputation of someone whose views you don't share. By the
way, as it says on the contact page, EnoWeb really doesn't have any way of passing
messages on to Brian. Probably just as well.
Lo Forte e-mails: Eno, Daniel Lanois and Edge sing "You Don't Miss
Your Water" a capella.
Joly writes: Marianne Faithfull's studio session of the cover of "How
Many Worlds" is on YouTube.
Our previous update was on 5th January when we wrote:
Azeri writes: ...Another Happy New Years to you folks.... Here is a bit
of Eno-o-city from his usual hangout with all of the other smarty folks over
at Edge.org. Asked to talk about the question "what will change everything?"
Brian offered
a short contribution to Jarvis Cocker's Today programme on BBC Radio
4 on 31st December.
Our previous update was on 4th January when we wrote:
Coffin writes: Another timely message from Brian Eno posted at Counterpunch
on "Stealing Gaza".
Brian appeared
on the BBC Radio 4 Saturday Live programme on 27th December 2008 for
its "Inheritance Tracks" feature, where people talk about a piece
of music they've inherited and another they would like to pass on. (Thanks
to David Whittaker).
- Saturday Live
- RealAudio stream (starts at the 49:03 mark)
Vejvoda e-mails: Just back from Amsterdam where I picked the winter 2008/2009
free issue of the local music - Stream Magazine - A nice cozy b&w
picture of our man Brian in sweater talking promo info about the iphone - Bloom
- app. See picture, no link for this interview on their site.
- Stream (in case it gets added)
Joly has been out and about finding Eno mentions...
- Underworld article -- seems they could be working with Brian again this year
- The National Grace Jones interview -- she talks a little about Brian
So, what
else do we have to look forward to from Brian in 2009? Fairly definite:
Production work on U2's album No Line On The Horizon (due for release
on 2nd March), and soundtrack for The Lovely Bones (due for release
on 11th December 2009 in the US). Third Party: Geeta Dayal's
book Brian Eno's "Another Green World" (due out on 30th June),
and the UK/US release of Marianne Faithfull's album Easy Come, Easy Go
(which includes a cover of "How Many Worlds"). In addition, Lumen
London (the company that produces and creates 77 Million Paintings
shows around the world) says that "Installations are scheduled for 2009
in Italy, Spain, Australia and Germany". Might possibly see the
light of day: the collaboration with Herbie Hancock; Brian's book 44
Minutes: A Big Theory about Culture or whatever he decides to call it.
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